Mon. April 29, 2024, 8:00 pm.
We quiet ones are the masses, the "WE THE PEOPLE"! We are too busy worrying about the common and greater good to be a screaming instagrammer. Or maybe some GOOD human ones will join us and we share their expertise.
The ZOMBIES scream and demonize. Can we IGNORE them like they do, with EVERYTHING not THEIR agenda? Can we just REMEMBER there really are more of us GOOD Humans .. considerate of others, unlike the SCREAMING "me/ mine, here, now" shallow, selfish demons. Let's bring along those who are only zombie TO SURVIVE. Life is so hard and the struggle of 2 jobs has worn them down. We almost have to be oblivious to survive this mess! So anyone willing to TRY to LISTEN, LEARN, and reconsider, instead of demonize .. is welcome.
But as we build our gated REVERSE communities, life will get more calm and DECENT. In the meantime let's try and do the "mind over matter" thing. It sure looks like the world is CRAZY and STUPID destroying all in it that is good. But I think and need to BELIEVE .. the reality is .. us QUIET ONES are the THINKERS .. wondering what the hell is Happening?? With our creative inventive minds, we could fix this and create quality of life again .. TOGETHER sharing our CONNECTED HUMAN Intelligence. Nothing connects anymore, and THAT is the very downfall of our society, and humanity. Civilizations DIE when they disconnect everything.
At least .. the last 20 years have gotten successively worse and FASTER to reduce quality of life or TOTAL Human Health! Those "toxic positive" mean humans take responsibility for NOTHING. (except productivity that destroys nature, and more profit and power. Left brain Tunnel vision has destroyed Humanity!
So to survive we GOOD Humans (that consider OTHERS well bring before self) must trick our mind over what we SEE to what we BELIEVE. There are wonderful people unheard .. beneath the screamer layer, (? Shallow Influencers that need so much ATTENTION). Those quiet people we forget are the MASSES .. KNOW, that unless we connect and treat each other FAIRLY like a HUMAN FAMILY .. we are dead. 😱 Let's stop worrying and get together to create (hard thru compromising) Utopia. Hard heaven surely beats the loud warring society we have.
Fri. April 26, 2024, 5:00 pm
No wonder I am massive depressed. 😰 A few days ago someone shared the sugar fed Lab RAT stupidity and realized I was really right for 60 years but nobody listened. So now we are 3 generations STUPIDER. Processed food fries or brain wiring! Stupid parents had STUPIDER kids. there is a book the Dumbest generation. But I know a lot of very WISE very young people, so it is just the people who lost their right THINKING brain wiring. Those are the people that manage things well (in Charge?) but they have no visionary, creative, or imaginative side in their brain.
Recognizing I am really right that our thinkng brains are gone, is not "I TOLD YOU SO" .. but very HOPELESS. We see lack of common sense and logic in all of our systems every day .. they are ALL COLLAPSING. I had the hope my NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM could give us our Total Human Health back.
But now I have become more aware of forever chemicals that are everywhere and in our bodies. and the PFAS are not even the same as the PLASTICS that are everywhere. More important they can NOT be recycled (that is just another of our evil rulers many con jobs!) Add to these terrors the EMF's going thru our brains daily, while we knew power wires were bad for those living near them .. is just insanity creating. So we knew power lines destroyed health .. but thru covid they put up 5 G and now everyones web and cell connection .. GOES THRU OUR BODY AND BRAIN. We are out of our mind and will die off soon. Don't worry about bees or monarchs going extinct we will be gone before them. REAL humans will be EXTINCT too. Only the zombies that rule us and their lackey positive (people) no just "beings" NO BRAINS
Mon. April 29, 2024, 8:30 pm.
re read "MIND OVER MATTER" above. Write yourself a big reminder on your mirror or cupboard. Use our MIND to SEE beauty .. and we will create it out of hell. Somehow those damn Left brains do it (at least their "success".. so why not us? except ours will be REAL SUCCESS .. TOTAL Human Health or basic quality of life for all not just 17 million $ football goofs. (whoa am I POKING the sports guys .. they would never be reading my rambling. I do not believ Left brains are readers. But sorry balanced brain guys .. I am always only angry at FAR left .. just like most of them hate me 😈 .. a far RIGHT brain they do NOT understand.
Wed. April 17, 2024, see 3 life Ledgers "me, WE/US". (link) Those of us who are THINKER worrier Right brains must QUIT those WE/US ledgers. Our concern for others and our future is DESTROYING our ability to live. Our concern creates hopelessness and despair. We MUST learn to BREATHE as we take control back to OUR SELF. If we die of a broken heart we can help no one. Come back to me .. and look after our oWN life. My taxes are so neglected I feel I will be in debtors prison and my kids life insurance will be stolen by our govt! That is from neglecting ME. I know I am weird and excessive .. you are more NORMAL. But if you are worrying about the world .. I bet you do not put enough energy into YOUR life ledger.
Every day .. spend some time getting SELFISH. You count not just TOO .. sorry but you count MORE in our society than the selfish shallow people who took us to hell. They never listen to us! Philip K Howard wrote the death of common sense almost 30 year ago!! Instead of common sense we have a million Laws .. and COMPLETE DISORDER. We Right brains can create ORDER! But only if we worry about OUR health FIRST! So So many great books and ideas are by US .. and always IGNORED. Those stupid Left brains just went ahead all selfish and shallow, DESTROYING civilization! Society will only survive if we CONNECT OUR INTELLIGENCE. But left brains only DISCONNECT everything with their shadow $ and power obssessed thinkng
Tues. April 2, 2024, 4:00 pm.
Oblivious people do not see the bad! They do not worry about anything, or SEE anything, except if you get in their way with even words .. they lash out! We thinkers see everything, both in our view and ideas. I think Left brain first order (thinkers) are less sensitive. SO NOTHING BOTHERS THEM!! We Right brain more sensitive humans, must LEARN TO TURN THAT SENSITIVITY OFF. OR WE WILL DIE OF STRESS! WE are the GOOD Humans .. without us society devolves into ALL ZOMBIES. So maybe we can learn to TURN ON THE ZOMBIE!? .. be a zombie temporarily to save ourselves? I focus on the bad it's true! let's try and ignore the UGLY and see the beauty. I ddid it for yeas in my photography, but forgot when I looked at our ugly culture. Yup, don't let that horrid cyclist almost killing people have you forgetting the lovely person who just SMILED!
Fri. April 5, 2024, 8:30. am.
Unless we live WE/ US we will not survive. Sadly THEY have depleted or even DESTROYED EVERYTHING with their "ME/ mine, here, now" focus. But we were COMPLICIT .. so take responsibility now. Let's change our MINSET. SACRIFICE and CONSERVE, stop BUYING, sounds like scarcity and loss. Instead let's replace those words for a more POSITIVE MINDSET. We can CONSERVE by sacrificing, but instead use this wording .. RESPECT our resources MORE, by SAVOURING them with appreciation. It ends up that we USE and DO less, but are mindful of still being lucky to HAVE some things. Same result different easier to accomplish MINDSET!! We are in control of our brain. .. remember that. They have been in charge of it way too long. In this religion WE, GOOD Humans are in charge!
Palestinians do NOT have ANYthing, and some here even feel terrible WW's are coming. Regardless of World War, the fight for resources is here. If we are already disciplined to have the ABILITY to do MORE with less we are ahead! See how we have to learn their TWISTING, but use it for our GOOD benefit and goals? So even TWISTING is not just evil (Their marketing and conning us unto buying all their crap! Aha, destruction of willpower with coke / sugar is great to then market us everything as a NEED vs want. There is lots we "want" but only 9 factors of health we NEED to survive. Security, Stability, Trust, Connection of all things, Order, Emotional and Social well being, Hope .. and HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Sorry .. all 9 are GONE today, destroyed by all manner of toxic "progress".
sORRY .. I just went negative again. OK .. sorry again but LISTEN TO ME and we can save us. Not because I am any more special than every one of us, but it just happens my "special" is my WEIRD. My COLLECTING and CONNECTING every single thing curious about to why we do not work better at making life GOOD (Healthy). SCREW "happy", that word never once entered my brain .. how can we be happy if we are HUMAN, when others struggle so. Why can't things just WORK better. It took me 60 years plus to realize I am an IDIOT. Our Systems are not "FOR THE PEOPLE"! ALL our systems exist solely for THEIR profit and power. But THEY are very few. Most of us are GOOD humans (many just stressed SELFISH and SHALLOW to survive) Even some top CEO's are decent, yet the company is evil because they must meet stock market increases for BAD human shareholders. (Like the CEO of evil Chartwell recommending the book "TEAM HUMAN". 😯 .. 🤔 .. 😇 Let's keep hopeful that under following the RULES, there are GOOD humans trapped in a world of TWIST.
So since I have been agonizing, obsessively investigating and designing for my entire lifetime .. you can just use my work, my discoveries, ideas and inventions. With your better MANAGEMENT SKILLS and talents, we can build the lAST best Religion and Order for TOTAL Human Health or base quality of life for all! One Commandment, be a decent human .. just be FAIR, consider harm to others before the self. Our "society of SELF" is collapsing. Only us CONNECTING as HUMANS can save it. We CAN with this last "religion"
Fri. April 5, 2024, 9:30 am.
add stages of grief
I was just shocked at the background CHAOS NOISE on TV .. it was an IKEA ad. Another proof it is over. Ikea is quiet and calm .. not American, Swedish? That commercial that was just on is DISGUSTING EVIL .. exactly everything WRONG with the world. SCREAMING, EXTREME, OVER THE TOP .. also NONSENSE! So we dragged Sweden into the American way? But I am not following my own rule. ACCEPT .. that we are insane .. or our society certainly is. ACCEPT it is true! Do not keep on over and over being shocked! I am surely INSANE! 🤪
BREATHE .. I am getting angry sad raging and despairing over and over for the same thing. So then I am the iNSANE one. They say that Insanity is doing something over and over expecting a new result. Unless I lock myself in a sound proof room with no screen .. there will be screaming NONSENSE. SHUT IT OUT or go truly CRAZY. ACCEPT we live in insane world .. and BREATHE .. just keep BREATHING, because it strangely feels like we have some CONTROL over something. Even so small, it somehow feels good. Stop being an idiot like me. I was right decades ago, something is terribly WRONG .. yet over and over I keep being shocked I was RIGHT?? Like we all should accept that I had brilliant intuition! Let's use our different INTUITION (?wisdom) and by connecting all our wisdom or HUAMA Intelligence we will WIN. Not THEM. We GOOD Humans will build a new WIN WIN system where all contribute and all receive FAIR!
Wed. April 17, 2024, 9:30 am.
2 very important people to me .. PLUS Myself are really overwhelmed and struggling right now. It is easy to feel extremely overwhelmed and hopeless. But I will focus on another friend who is taking some time off from her 2 jobs, to see Montreal. I am going to pretend in my imagination, that I am going too .. imagine her packing and finish work excitement before boarding her TRAIN to a new place. Thinkng of her adventure is at least something even if we don't have the money to go ourselves. (Hey GO (traveling with guides, real time on screen) was the best "biz" ever and depressing again .. to think idiocy brought it down too.) SO... the moral of the story is us GOOD Human Right brains have to take CONTROL of our brain. We either discipline WHERE our mind goes .. or sorry but .. WE WILL SERIOUSLY DIE OF DESPAIR!! TRAIN our mind like a DOG! Back to getting on train to Montreal this aft .. NOT ALLOWED with my lost love of hey go trips! DISCIPLINE OUR MIND .. or die
ALSO .. If I can just REMEMBER, Worrying about us 3 overwhelmed .. will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to fix ANY of our problems. Sometimes I even notice when I am OBLIVIOUS .. things work out! like how the hell did I manage to live for 4 years, when I though my credit would run out in one year?? Oblivious is easy .. and sometimes keeps away that (law of attraction) or SELF SABOUTAGE! .
from "the richest".com
"Philosopher Plato is credited with saying: “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”
Music is an important element of everyday life; it can uplift our mood, amend our way of thinking, and frequently soothe us in hard times. The late painter Jean-Michel Basquiat once purportedly mused that while art decorates space, music "decorates time."
Thurs. April 25, 2024, 5:45 pm. Thanks to Michael at Chartwell!
would I be the brain or the INSANE one? 🤔 "Brain" gets NOTHING done .. that's me! this is so funny! TV Tropes .. the author must love the show, which I have never seen. check link for when you need to cheer up
For example .. copied from link above .. why can I not find the Authours NAME?
That is US .. so follow the PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!! It can not possibly
be worse .. than NO security, stability, respect, order, belonging, NO Truth/trust, hope or HUMAN INTELLIGENCE pulling it all together. When you need to relax from BEING RESPONSIBLE .. check out this site, TV Tropes for a laugh. maybe it is us?
Fri. April 5, 2024, 1:30 pm.
Where the hell do these Fruit flies come from? They are BIG and EVIL .. like those horrible big flies buzzing around but you can NOT catch them. I was so mad when I finally killed one I went psychotic serial killer on him! I have been trying to catch and kill them, but all I do is smash my hand BADLY, into things AND I NEED IT not injured TO WRITE! So I have been doing a lot of YELLING at damn fruit flies. When I finally got one I am ashamed to say I went EVIL. Which is what happens to people who do bad things, they just finally lose it .. over ongoing injustice. omg I am comparing fruit flies and me to mass murderers. Sorry I just fully believe if you treat people with respect and FAIRNESS, support them if they got NO POT of gold (instead of lie and say "oh well, there is free will you know" FREE WILL was invented by selfish shallow Left brains with NO compassion for people not s lucky as them. EVIL. Get the hell OUT OF HERE .. if you say I am an "injustice collector". You are a BAD human, unable to THINK empathetically .. a zombie! Go away! 🤬)
Anyway I was so excited I killed that fruit fly, just to be sure I boiled him under water and then hoped he would drown, as I threw him in the drain. They seem impossible to kill .. worse than a cat with 9 lives! Sorry I was so mean, fruit fly. Of course I discovered it was not one thwarting me .. must be many .. because there is no change in seeing MORE flies. hmm. Are the a relay team? Do they take turns harassing me? They are more cCONNECTED than us! HAH! We will show them who is boss! Are they like the evil power structure that NEVER LET'S US WIN? Fruit flies are little power guys laughing at us as we FAIL over and over to GET them. THIS must change.
we LEARN from everything in our existence. So Lets be fruit flies and team up .. Let's take turns harassing those who are BAD humans. We will get our lovely church cafe sponsored and then bring people to see what fun it is to PLAN a better life. Kind of like those bad churches that missionary you. Jesus saves. NO!! He expects us to be DECENT, FAIR, RESPONSIBLE humans to EACH OTHER. We are the ONLY religion, the last bible, because we keep it so simple .. repeat .. Other religions have wars .. kind of strange, and a real god that made earth and us would NEVER say jews are chosen. he made ALL of us and wants good for every single one.
Netanyahu is an evil BULLY with a Warrior first level thinking mind .. or is alien or a zombie. How will killing everyone, destroying everything EVER create eventual peace. Well he is one of the power structure .. I fail to understand how the ruling families killing all of us WINS anything good?? I guess the need for POWER overrules nature, peace, other happy people .. sorry that is NOT a human, and unless they go to mars with Bezos we may need to kill the evil ones.
Like Fruit flies attacking! We will win in the end! we are little but we have a PLAN! Nothing will let us lose our mind to their EVIL. God is on OUR SIDE .. believe me! But we must focus POSITIVE. His Magic Magnet will help (link) . Should we just yell at each other "MagMag!"? .. as a reminder to focus positive .. god's law of attraction will bring us GOOD, if we BELIEVE. HEY! people have cured their cancer by believing! We just need to cure our COLLECTIVE, Contagious, cancer of (more, fast and easy SHALLO SELFISH Society (Progress) .
Sat. April 27, 2024, 10:00 am
we need to study the stages of GRIEF at our HUGE loss .. what is a worse loss than DEATH of civilization. The TERMINAL of our stupid behaviour?? Terrible grief that ruins from said to RAGE. We must learn to accept. rage just means we hurt the WRONG people or we ourself will be in JAIL not ever the REAL bad guys! So please try to stay CALM, breathe (really) and remember that TOGEHER we are MASSIVE. We have power. Accept that THEY pus us sheep have created ghell. But we CAN change it! Accept and BE BETTER and god can help us .. he has magic
Sun. April 28, 2024, 9:00 pm
any Steve Hartman stuff is awesome ..CBS SUNDAY
"baby in a box" police officer refound the young man, when his own son had died (Divine connection!) coincidence? a GOOD policeman or just DIVINE INTERVENTION ON MANY LEVELS. same job? same place?
Fri. April 26, 2024 7:15 pm.
I have tried to teach or share that sugar was put in all food to addict us .. but it fried our THINKING brain wiring. If we had a functioning brain we would not DO such stupid stuff. The proof is in NOTHING IS WORKING. These rats prove our stupidity on processed food. SO we make plastics that can never be recycled, and forever chemicals (PFAS) that will surely destroy our health further. If that is not INSANITY (BRAIN MISSING) I do not know what is!
whoops repeat.
But our stupidity let us put PFAS (forever chemicals) in our water, air (and plants thru growing!) The EVIL ones put plastics everywhere KNOWING they can NOT be recycled, and we have no idea how much disease that will inflame. Needless to say .. humans are TERMINALLY ILL. We will die before climate change gets us! Those of us who have intuition and have WORRIED about this are now not just ANXIOUS we are in PANIC mode. It may be time to accept .. it is over for humans. we have extinct- ed ourselves thru STUPIDITY! We must start looking at the stages of GRIEF to deal with our terror. Don't take years raging anger like I did .. try to get thru it quickly so we can have time to see the last movies and concerts.
Take advantage of every FUN thing NOW .. if Trump does no get in in Nov he will create Civil War. If he does get in .. 😱 he has some true ideas, but just is too shallow, divisive and blamey. If we end up like Gaza there will be nowhere to go for fun. So let's accept it is BAD .. and enjoy what we can.
Fri. April 26, 2024 7:15 pm.
I always thought the big Developer (god?) the one who BEAUTIFULLY created the cosmos and humans .. would take pity on us if we depleted Resources and created toxins .. IF .. we did so with RESPECT and concern. He would have fixed our messes if they were created with RESPONSIBILITY. Even Respectful use of resources would deplete and create toxins but far far less than our rampant disrespect and irresponsible behaviour has. SO .. couldn't he take pity on us GOOD HUMANS .. if we separate ourselves? you know kind of like Amish and mennonites did? God is kind and caring, and wants GOOD for us if we act FAIRLY.
Why can we not just be more balanced and do things in MODERATION vs excess? I bet if we tried to be GOOD HUMANS and we created our OWN SYSTEM where we were in charge .. the CEO would be kind to us! Sorry it is the only HOPEFUL thing I can think of in a society where IDIOTS are in charge, greedy toward EVIL IDIOTS. Our big decision will have to be WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE INSANE UNABLE TO THINK .. beings. They are zombies and humans are already HALF extinct. Bodies with no mind and "heart" are NOT HUMANS. Beings with no SOUL (no mind or "heart" = no soul) are destroying our CIVILIZATION. Do we lobotomize and place in locked asylum? how about send them to mars with Bezos! These oil companies are beyond evil. Can they not understand their home is gone too? not just us and ours. 🤪
But are you ready to sacrifice all the crap and be less EXTREME in our reverse world? I hope so .. otherwise we are done. I think there are more of us THOUGHTFUL kind and caring people than selfish shallow IDIOTS. If we bring along our friend and loved ones that are a little shallow maybe they can start THINKNG again. We build our new "We/ US me" Accounting system and Human Value stock exchange that gives everyone contributing, a base decent quality of life. We will need to find still HUMAN sponsors to get our Reverse world templates built. Then others can replicate as they see our health and life is less STRESS and more FAIR.
The older we are .. the more we can SEE what has been lost in an our SHALLOW, gone SELFISH Society. Stability, security, the calm that we remember, once our day of respected work was done. If we still are HUMAN with MIND and "heart", it is terrible to THINK of our young people having NONE of these NEEDS for their Total HUMAN Health. Then guilt follows on top. IT is us boomers FAULT for taking no RESPONSIBILITY. WE did we yelled a lot, but nobody listens.
So Good Humans also have energy and positivity LOST thinkng about the selfish shallow BOOMERS who care only about SELF. "Me/mine, here, now" with no thought to causes of problems and possible CONSEQUENCES of bandaid "solutions" HAS DESTROYED CIVILIZATION. If you think the ENVIRONMENT is all we destroyed THINK AGAIN if you have that ABILITY. WEare probably at the cliff of environmental destruction. BUT while we were SLEEPING, or oblivious sheep we were destroying the very FABRIC of society.
Humanity is based on CONNECTION and we have destroyed every single type. This was done purposely. Divided masses can NOT REVOLT. We fell for the whole diversity CON job. And it turned loving people ANGRY. (I had nothing ever against gay people .. already had a best friend in the early 70's .. but now it just makes me angry so in your face like EVERYTHING!) get over yourselves! Your world is ending and you are worrying about stupid little nonsense things while soon there will be civil WAR. Maybe instead my NEW manufactured anger at immigrants and gays, and WOMEN .. we should make that soon arriving civil war instead .. decent FAIR Humans against greedy blind ZOMBIES, who ignore ALL but their WIN .. while DECENT humans LOSE.
hmm .. "NEW manufactured anger" .. I wonder if there are others who have become so angry at the pronouns CRAP! and complicated L G B Q - RSTUV 🤬 ?? Are there others like me who felt terrible for the bullying my gay friend had that by 16 he wanted to commit suicide. What kind of HUMANS are evil like the? Hah! Now I know .. fearful unable to UNDERSTAND Left brain first level "Thinkers". We just did solve every problem of conflict. All Conflict is caused by the "onion shell/ skin only" people, UNABLE to think deeper through the actual ONION LAYERS of problems and ideas? They quit with the ONION PEEL and turn WARRIOR, while we worry (link) through all the onion layers!
It would be nice to just murder bullies who go on to become NETANYAHUS! But sadly these people are DISABLED .. they are missing the Right Hemisphere wiring that allows DEEP Thinkng looking to UNDERSTAND. they just USE everything to BENEFIT them .. hence THEY are the power structure. Do we revolt and murder them? or take pity on their DISBILTY? They did all manner of horror to us Right brains. Are we the neatly ill because we THINK and get depressed .. or malice when we think of a CREATIVE solution?
Back to manufactured anger .. was this purposely done to make me angry at everybody of we started out a KIND and caring person? Are kind caring people the quieter ones? Does all this nonsense screaming just make us want o give up. THEY would love that of course
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google