Thurs. April 25, 2024, 10:45 am.
We are talking actual CONTEMPLATION .. real THINKNG .. not the mind wandering or stressing worry thinking we do WAY TOO OFTEN. I mean "THINK!" as in trying to find and design a SOLUTION!
not even sure I agree here but ..
Thurs. April 25, 2024, 11:30 am.
The reason for this segment is that I can barely breath and seriously wish I could disappear into the either. I believe I finally have irrefutable PROOF of what my INTUITION BELIVED since I was 9. It is much easier to imagine you are RIGHT. But when the imagining is HORRID .. it is always easier to RUN AWAY when you get too close to proving it. A Horrid reality is very hard to face. It was so much easier for me to BELIEVE The world worked FOR THE PEOPLE. Police helped us, courts were FAIR, Drs fixed us, schools taught us. ACCEPTING this is TOTALLY UNTRU is very hard. It is far easier to live in a make believe delusion. Most of us do. I think I have finally found indisputable proof that my intuition things work WRONG is very correct.
At 9 .. I thought nothing works right, the world is stupid and people are mean. Whoa I should have APPRECIATED and been GRATEFUL for how GOOD things were in the late 50's! Our quality of life has gone downhill, decreasing ever faster every decade. So I have been Debbie Downer (link) in too many situations in life. But finding I am no doubt CORRECT .. that everything is WRONG with our society, is so DESPAIRING! a FAR worse feeling! The world is backward .. never meant to be GOOD for us little MASSES. Since the late 1800's society is meant to ONLY to serve THEM. (link 1 and 2 them) Their single minded pursuit is "MORE Productivity, for greater profit and power, REGARDLESS of the destruction of the human species." Humans are already half of us ZOMBIES. Us remaining GOOD HUMANS better get tTOGETHER quick. too late for protest. We need a mass STRIKE .. a BOYCOTT. Or civil war starts in Nov and we will die soon even of just STRESS! .
Back to the order of getting from think to KNOW. I believe that (Trump) cares of no one but HIMSELF. Can I say I "know" that? I guess if I speak of a partner that time and again they put self FRST, regardless of harm to others .. I guess then I KNOW for a fact. No wonder THINKNG is so hard! All my life I have believed there is some con job in coke. I guess we believe our INTUITION? I have a million books and DEBT for them .. because when a small part of my INTUITION is PROVEN by someone else with EXPERTISE, I BUY THEIR BOOK as payment toward my research.
Is there a path that should be or maybe IS taught in school .. beginning with "I THINK" .. to ending with "I KNOW!"? If I think, wonder, believe my partner is cheating, it is saddening but the despair when you KNOW, is far greater. If my child disappears I worry they are dead but KNOWING is far far worse. So I guess even EMOTIONS belong on our new ACCOUNTING SYSTEM?
What is the order of our brain WORK? When I say we need to THINK! so we can TRUST ideas are TRUE .. what does that mean? Do we even KNOW what we mean. How am I 77? and do not know what these words actually MEAN?? I do not think I am senile, my neighbours in the hell place only think SELF .. can not compare them to me.
Brain work order ..
YUP! I KNOW .. we have been so CONNED, that we will now DIE. sorry to give you bad news. I had a great idea with my DUMB-ocracy. The Founding Fathers really tried hard .. but the evil was able to destroy their good invention. Like everything good TEY turn it evil by taking it extreme or TWISTING it. We may have to kill those few evil THEY 1 Colonial Family RULERS, but hopefully the THEY 2 we have hated on can be brought into our NEW SYSTEM as they see the world they are creating is BARREN. No people left (GOOD HUMANS extinct) means no creativity, no interesting ambience or ATMOSPHERE. Just SIMPLE plastic, concrete and glass toxic boredom.
Tues. April 2, 2024, 10:30 am.
From "INDEPENDENT", UK edition. Jan 2018!!
The pope's comments on fake news, and JOURNALISM .. which USED TO MEAN looking for TRUTH amidst BIAS!
"He said he hoped the news industry as a whole would be "less concentrated on breaking news than on exploring the underlying causes of conflicts ...a journalism committed to pointing out alternatives to the escalation of shouting matches and verbal violence."
WOW! That is 6 years ago! Do you realize our words have ALL been stolen since then??
"The Backward world" run by LOUDER SCREAMING (First order Thinking) Left brains.
Everything is backwards .. you are RIGHT but called WRONG!! The BOLD IS A LIE!
Fake news .. where we TRY to find truth, although bias often creates failure
WOKE .. yes "WAKE UP!" .. or we die
NO WONDER LIFE IS CONFUSING! How often do we go outside and yell at somebody for nearly running into us .. to only be sworn at! .. ?? We scowl at someone for being a MEAN human being and get called ? a "karen"?? I am so confused .. what used to be manners or normal CIVILITY if called out then I AM THE BAD ONE. Or some call me so judgemental. 😲 Without CIVILITY and common DECENCY .. we die!! It's simple .. it's TRUTH! Human beings can only survive when we are CONNECTED as one, wanting US all to be successful in surviving. How is it if we are DECENT FAIR humans we are the ones yelled?? hmm .. it is because most of us have FRIED BRAINS. Fried brains are UNABLE to think more deeply (into the LAYERS of the onion, past the shell and skin!
First order "thinking" (by Left brains) is getting "the job" done. Here isa problem, this is a solution "Let's get er done!". Fist order Thinkng usually involves making money or seizing power. It NEVER solves a problem long term. A Society CONSUMED with ONLY CAPITALISM can only DESTROY. No first order solutions are REAL SOLUTIONS, they are ONLY BANDAIDS. Bandaids and separated SILOS do not delve into what CAUSED the problem to begin, or what the future consequence of a "solution" is.
Stupid me .. of course no one cares about cause! A "reason or cause" does not create PROFIT! Not eating the food that enflames your body does not create a PROFIT! O .. M .. G.. I have ranted RIDICULOUS FOREVER, enflame body eating crap, then buy THEIR DRUGS for the pain! My we are SMART Humans, eh? No wonder Functional Medicine .. REAL WELLNESS never went anywhere! It got transformed into elitist crap, "gluten free" kale smoothies, and yoga!
In 2022, the USA Drug industry was 1. 5 TRILLION $$. .. OK I should quit now, I have been intuitively screaming this for 68 years and KNOWINGLY screaming it for 50 years! I was told by a man (when I said HIDDEN sugar has destroyed our health) that I must think I am God .. ? Not really, I thought I was just SHARING my obsessive investigation? That his how far our brains have declined in ABILITY to think. WHY am I still wasting my time BELIEVING anyone is left to LISTEN. First Order Thinkers ( Left Brain) CAN NOT LISTEN, LEARN, RECONSIDER and DISCUSS.
REAL Thinkng, SECOND order thinning is time consuming slow not direct
I do not understand what is being said below! I guess one way lies are spread is through just misunderstanding! .. or BAD communication. My first thinking was that HOSPITALS "push" half 52% of the DRUGS prescribed. Still does NOT make sense, no time to research now, sorry.
Health expenditures on drugs
According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information's National Health Expenditure Report Footnote 4:
Sun. April 14, 2024, 11:30 pm
If somebody not attractive asks you "Am I ugly?" you don't say "yes!" As a GOOD Human connected to another, you say something like, "You may not look like a model but you look like a person I would like to know .. and that is actually BETTER. You have a great smile and look like a supportive kind person." Now how the hell much would that INCREASE our human stock market VALUE. When that person feels sad they are kind of UGLY .. even YEARS later .. their spirits will be UPLFTED by those words. Hah what a brilliant example of how we need a NEW STOCK EXCHANGE .. a HUMAN VALUE ONE!!
SO .. sometimes we TWIST TRUTH .. but ONLY for good!
Mostly our world twists truth .. solely for EVIL .. only for the purpose of gaining in the OUTDATED (if we want to not go EXTINCT) old accounting ME LEDGER! me/ mine, here, now = profit or power! which has sadly turned evil, because extreme and all is EXCESS.
Wed. April 10, 2024, 8:45 pm
the beginning of empathy and compassion
explain .. girl with skirt not even an inch past her ASS .. disgusting .. ? "Me too" .. are you evil? (add delicious cake parallel for dieter) maybe she is just a STUPID woman, vs VERY MEAN.
But there are people who are UNABLE to move into the past or the future. They can not imagine what horrible words will do to the other person who will REMEMBER THEM. Then they speak like you are friends a few days later after their horrible words. It is so STRANGE but when we understand it is a past future DISABILITY it makes more sense. This makes REGRET and guilt not really possible!! This disability explains a LOT about people who seem to just JUMP IN with no FORE THOUGHT or AFTER THOUGHT. Right brain people think "I should NOT have said that" automatically and can apologize. IN FACT .. a right brain would never SAY terrible words because we KNOW they remain into the past to do harm!! If someone NEVER does apologize, they may be unable to jump between time/ space layers.
This knowledge is HUGELY important and I will add the research beginnings, I have misplaced and they are of UTNMOST importance!! I guess this also ties to memories that are WRONG. they just remember what was most NB to them, not the WHOLE picture. (me focus)
Action minds just DO things and ponder little whcih creates more pebbles. If we make suggestions we are know it alls, arrogant, think we are god or other insults. WHY NOT JUST UTILIZE THE RESOURCE WE HAVE. I can in NO WAY multi TASK but I can MULTI THINK others under the table .. but slowly, very slowly, mind you! 🐢 That is why I thought I was the "turtle" but because Aesop's fable is also a LIE, I am actually the HARE. My curiosity to UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING makes me always lose the race! .. to never get anything DONE! 🐰
So a functioning brain buzzes around to think solution for the future? ..., but what happened in the past to cause this? if I DO this, what is the FINAL VALUE of its pro + and con -.Do the con's have MULTILIERS? or the pros. (you know ike a starters smile on a bad day is a MULTIPLIER of good. Or how PFAF's are toxic in the water of ICELAND in a town where 10,00 live. THANKS AMERICA!! THINKNG to CONNECT ideas is a LOT, is HARD, takes patience. nO wonder we quit eh? we only want fast easy and we are LAZY. Or.. just stressed out of our mind, overwhelmed .. while we are TOLD all the idiocy is GOOD. A smart toilet by Kohler?? Please .. please kill me NOW! 😱 This is HELL!
Fri. May 3, 2024, 5:30 pm.
The game is rigged! Not one of our systems works for US "we the people"! The WIN is only for those IN POWER, set up by the FEW Ruling families. (McKinsey)
How to understand "CRAZY world" in ? 5 easy steps!
1) We are our BRAIN .. our mind and "heart" reside in our Right brain hemisphere
Our body is just the cathedral for our SOUL. Too many humans have lost their Right brain wiring. Therefore their soul is gone leaving only a focus on profit and power.
2) A Left brain focus is selfish .. a WARRIOR wanting to survive, thinking of no one but "me/mine, here, now" .. not human but a ZOMBIE. The selfish scale heads to mean, cruel, greed and then EVIL. There is no HUMAN in the cruelty of making us sick in order to profit off drugs. Evil devils or zombies .. maybe ALIENS are the FEW families that CONTROL our world
Today so many are stressed just to survive, they have no time to THINK with MIND and "heart". Those Left brains on survival mode are welcome in our GOOD Human club. Let's connect and try to build a NEW "win/win" SYSTEM that is FAIR and decent. Hopefully some Corporations are on the stupid treadmill .. but not yet heading EVIL. They will be our sponsor partners.
3) Right brain wiring must be more sensitive and it has been DESTROYED. Stupid sheep are far easier to control by evil shepherds. The Evil Rulers went PURE evil before the depression and systematically destroyed our brains with coke, leading to processed food and marketing that we WANT these. Destruction of thinking brains and brain washing became the plan larger and faster every decade. Without Right brain Thinking our toxic "progress" is destroying civilization.
If we could build new accounting . and lear to focus LESS on worry and wonder more on OURSELF?
4) wattles works!! I see it everywhere .. mean selfish people go further than THOUGHTFUL people .. we MUST BALNCE .. use our thinking worry and regret, mistrust .. use these IN MODERATION. we must BALANCE with seeing POSITIVE. My entire family has done better than me .. because they ARE, more selfish and shallow .. in the ME ledger (Damn! it is so easy for them with their god damned TUNNEL VISION. "I deserve and god will provide!" I hate those people. Sorry that means most friends and family .. oh dear am I just weird. I guess the proof will be nobody joins my club. 😢 If you consider the well being of others it is much harder to just be positive. When I walk by a homeless person I feel guilt I have a 7$ coffee. Ridiculous, they don't have that for FOOD! Those Left brains just say "he should have worked harder, had some discipline with those drugs, like ME!"
Fri. April 5, 2024, 8:00 pm
NOTHING works .. or at least FUNCTIONS PROPERLY FOR US .. WE the PEOPLE. Every single SYSTEM is failing, collapsing. We need to try a new system. I have a SOLUTION ready .. a PLAN to take over the world .. quietly and without chaos or harm .. except I guess to those stuck in MORE an MORE without sharing mindset. We will have to change their OCD to something that makes them actually feel GOOD. being a good human feels way better than a 3rd bigger yacht! They have not yet learned. Our honour of them will make THEM feel far better than more profit, or luxury. MORE Money never brings happiness. (yes, money to eat and shelter is definitely good)
Is it possible the whole "mental" illness thing is a con? please understand 100% something can be wrong in the brain! "Just do it .. just say no" (re Nancy Regan's 1970's? lacking any understanding of addiction, drug program) If something wring in the wiring of our AMAZING brain is wrong of course there will be problems. And since WE ARE OUR BRAIN! .. there can be a million things go wrong. I would have loved to better disciplined in managing my life , but my brain just jumps to wanting to understand .. NOT to get a job done.That is a FLAW .. with the thing and ACT side of our brain hemisphere's must work TOGETHER .. balance. But why was there a need to STIGMATIZE people who are a little different. WE are the philosophers, inventor's and creators. Why should we be stigmatized?
check order ..
My quest to search for why things do not work and why some people are MEAN of course has dethroned their POWER. They USE us and all our resources purely for THEIR GAIN. Power and profit are all that matter, regardless of the toxins of every typre they create. MY words are NOT wanted because they cause trouble. So all those whiner worried complainers that went ahead of my were called mentally ill. Nothing really work with us except our deep desire to UNDERSTAND things that make no sense. IT still makes no sense to me that profit is more desirable than a home and other humans to enjoy it with. But I guess THEIR obsession is with power and profit which apparently is acceptable.
I suggest
disconnect! no people no things no IDEAS get connected. The internet went th WRONG way for sure. it could have connected EVERYTHING, which is the NORMAL of earth and humans .. connection!! Not connecting ideas misses so may problems aAND ways to solve them!!
maybe bipolar is just people who see what is wrong and become despairing. But as they see a possible solution they get manic, maybe even HIGH?
Mon. Apr. 1, 2024, 9:00 am.
Devastation all around! Respect for Nature and preserving HISTORY is what saved the house. The links shows that LISTENING to suggestions for safety from fire, respect for 100 year history and QUALITY of that era .. ie FORETHOUGHT saved the house .. and as owner said LUCK. being seated for other houses by ocean a road and THEIR clearing things from other 2 sides. THINKNG could have saved us from our slow motion COLLAPSE of human civilization. Preparing RESPECTFULLY and RESPONSIBLY would have saved us from global warming but now .. too late! Our brains are ALREADY gone. Can't save stupid from itself! 🤪
Those people in red roof house were not lucky they probably recognized the placement of the house was good for fire. ocean. road/ empty lot! They TOOK PERSONAL RESPONSIBITY. That is actually everything WRONG with us! No one takes RESPONSIBILITY! In 1995 Philip K Howard wrote "the death of common sense". we had like 28 years to lose the rest of our common sense. As he said we just SUE for everything. Then on top of NO BRAIN we take n PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
Wed April 3 .. sorry .. perfect example of WHY the world is ending
Seeing this self absorbed GREED, first thing the next morning writing from last nite .. I am SICKENED! What has happened to us? We are not human anymore! We are self absorbed self CENTRED narcissists in the body of what USED to be HUMAN, a SOUL .. with THINKING of others, caring ability. I admit I have not WASTED time studying this story, but it is basically American /CDN behaviour. Then again I FORGOT, there is no longer ABILITY to think of others. Our BRAIN is GONE!
Tues. April 2, 2024, 9:00 pm
Here is perfect proof. These entitled, elitist, old people were just on NBC News. So because they were an HOUR late .. that huge cruise ship was just supposed to wait for them? Such selfish shallow idiocy just does NOT deserve to live. Believe me .. if I was god I would wipe us off the beautiful planet built for us, but treated with NO respect. Ok .. guess we just have to WAR with selfish old people. (I live with so so may oblivious to the struggle today. They either give US their wealth gained through raping the planet .. or the are no longer allowed more of earth's resources. Sorry .. if you already used up TWICE the resources needed for Living, the depleted REST .. go to the young people we Boomers (the link again) thought nothing of. Sad .. but we never caused it .. hmm? guess I see myself as a young person? Don't kill me, you need me for my not SELFISH ideas.
OMG I think it is worse .. "there is a basic duty of care the cruise line neglected" said by the family? No, what was neglected was your RESPONSIBILITY as a GROWN Human (you are a baby zombie). The ship is not your DADDY .. child. If it is true you were ONE hr late .. that ship should NOT EVEN need to repay your costs! GROW UP baby people! I am just surprised old would be this way. Maybe they are only 50 and got irresponsible parenting. We Boomers TRIED to raise responsible children but society has destroyed their brain with the S S S Virus.
explain zombies
stupid (movies)
Well being comes from CONNECTION. We can not even connect that security and physical health are linked. Constant stress destroys PHYSICAL HEALTH. Society or culture affects physical health EVERYTHING and everyone is connected. But .. We ave disconnected EVERY SINGLE THING POSSIBLE. If you disconnect ideas there is ONLY onee ending. Civilization will end.
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google