Fri. May 3, 2024, 10:30 am
.. now my brains just literally exploded! no more emoji for this TERROR. I have TV "news" on in background to be aware of what idiots are now ranting about (CNN?). "City news 24/7" is a pretty good QUESTIONING Chanel. I am kind of impressed with Rogers!
the SECOND Boeing WHISTLEBLOWER just died!! Those devils or Aliens that RULE US are getting so BLATANT they murder with impunity because they think they have FINISHED OF our brain and ability for THINKING. BEWARE .. If we question .. we die! Maybe we should just have the MAID ready for when things get bad or WORSE than Gaza. Should we be ready for a Jim jones end? .. is life still worth living with.twisting and lies EVERYWHERE? (We expect so much fast and EASY .. that we could NEVER handle being in Gaza.) We are headed for civil WAR in 6 months! maybe WW before. I used to think they can not kill us all .. but after BOEING Blatency .. and Canada's POLICE take over, what can we EXPECT or trust. Everything is chaos confusion and INSTABILITY!!
Do other THINKERS not handle INSTABILITY well? It terrifies me .. I thought I just got a better handle on the "Jew" problem .. but this most probable MURDER of whistleblowers make some think the construction guys "good luck with that" to my PLAN is RIGHT. He was replying I am a DREAMER in that we can fix the world by reminding us to be FAIR and work together CONNECTING our Human INTELLIGENCE. The last 4 people I talked to said I was a DREAMER. So that is why they quit MAID in stupid canada. They saw too may of us would check out of HELL.
Tues. April 9, 2024, 11:30 am.
Listening to the (sentencing of Crumbley PARENTS), victim impact statements of the murder of 4 Michigan high school students. THE PARENTS of a 14 year old's ACTIONS are being HELD RESPONSIBLE. WONDERFUL!! These stories mothers, sisters and fathers stories are absolutely HEART BREAKING especially the mother who read her son's birthday card thanking her for her guidance. Parenting is a hard hard job .. but this poor shooter was the product of comeptely irresponsible lack of NURTURE. Do not have a child if you can not UNDERSTAND it is a lifetime of concern and worry and trying to be supportive. These parents had NONE of that for son, just allowed him to have a GUN and took no responsibility to lock it up.
It is amazing to see someone taken t task for their IRRESPONSIBILITY. This is not the same as BLAME. Blame is the OPPOSITE. Pointing fingers at others for our OWN lack of ATTENTION. Either be a RESPONSIBLE RESPECTFUL properly managing of RESOURCES (others well being!) .. or get off the planet. In reverse world we will qwatse few SCARCE resources on bad humans gone evil. Netanyahu can kill everyone in his way .. but we can't kill people who are only for themselves? Sadly they are actually DISABLED but if a raft hols only 8 they uncaring and unfair will not be chosen for a space. They are the ones should drown, if everyone else CARES about more then me mine here and now. If they seem truly remorseful being old and hating the world I will give up my aspace. but is it TRUE authentic remote or FAKE like so very much in today's existence. I think those of us with well FUNCTIONING RIGHT BRAIN are also INTUITIVE .. we can usually sense real regret or remorse.
I was so excited stupid irresponsible PARENTS were FNALLY being taken to task. So many VERY young people are HORRIBLE because parents teach only ONE thing. "I am SPECIAL, I will charge or SUE you if you talk bad to me" (the Karens?) Most parents are NOT raising CIVIL considering OTHER'S well being citizens. (Sorry, we remember the horrible kids, while 9 of 10 are probably the quiet GOOD HUMANS we do not notice. Sorry, we ALL need to be careful of SIMPLIFYING and blaming) This Law suit of PARENTS (of a shooter) will change everything .. the first of its kind to HOLD OTHERS RESPONSIBLE even from a DISTANCE.
However .. for those of us who like to think to UNDERSTAND fully so that things are FAIR .. my spliccity was immediately shattered. The mother herself if speaking TRUTH could be being BLAMED because the SCHOOL shirked its RESPONSIBILITY. Focus on the PSRENTS and we won't get sued for our lack of concern! Twisting TRUTH for benefit of the self seems our way of life (sorry not HUMAN and I swear sugar etc ghas fried the HUMAN wiring of our brain. A HUMAN is a MIND and a "heart", which does not ALLOW our GUILT to let someone else take blame UNFAIRLY. Our focus on SELF .. has DESTROYED OUR HUMANITY. The difference between a GOOD human and bad to evil .. is allowing someone else to tae BLAME where we also had some. That school bOard is evil .. if mother really WAS never made aware of their son's bigger struggle. Lots of parents are unaware of their child's TOTAL behaviour. I rmemerb when I heard Shooter Crumbley's mom speak months ago, I thought she sounded irresponsible .. but no different than half the people around today. I don't think I felt she was "evil".
So it seems everything WRONG with us is NOT just be FAIR. Psychopaths have no empathy or guilt and regret. To blame someone else and NOT TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY
selfish sefless
warrior worrier
first second order
selfish sefless
warrior worrier
first second order
Instead of a SPECTRUM .. from white (good) to black (evil) .. you know, like things are all shades of GREY!! instead lazy people SIMPLIFY to good vs evil. NO! do not be so IRRESPONSIBLE .. too lazy to THINK. Right now that old guy who shot the kid last year is being tried. Is he STUPID or just eveil. Someone knocks on the door he opens sees a blaackkid and shoots him. What the hell kind of world do we live in. Yes kid is now ok but can you IMAGINE the fear he lives in? That STUPID old man has destroyed his future ability to relax and feel safe and secure in an insane word. Why did it take a year to try that man. Was he at home not in jail, because he is white? Nice fair country.
I am an entitled old white lady, and racist evil enrages ME .. yet we wonder why those actually affected get angry and restful? How does an actual human treat blacks like slavery and lynching. Whole south can't be EVIL .. so their brain just does not FUNCTION like a normal human that can FEEL others pain. Left brain southerners? warriors .. just FEAR someone harming THEM .. so they harm FIRST! Worriers are slow to act so less mistakes happened. Quick action will always cause more problems than THOUGHTFUL action. The BALANCED brain is what could have created a superior country. Inseta THEY fired our brains to make us compliant and buy their crap! Seems the RIGHT wiring is more sensitive to destruction.
Sat. April 13, 2024, 12:30 pm.
Talk about CRAZY lady .. this is HORRIFYING .. but look at it as we better start protecting our brains from toxic destruction some how. Can we build a DOME and keep out polluted toxic air? But then TV and scree focus addiction also fry our brains. Some people can not just be explained as evil, if this woman is not proof of something very WRONG, I do not now what is. .. There is just something MISSING in their brain, not allowing them to be fully human AT ALL TIMES. Was the MISSING brain wiring never there to begin? (nature), OR how often does Nurture (the poisoning our profit society puts on our body AND brain, slowly do the damage. Killing your husband and then throwing your daughters out of car on Freeway blaming the eclipse ?? Yike!
Our brains should have been treated with SUCH GREAT RESPECT. Instead they were mutilated to make us lose our will power, buy crap food that destroys health, buy stupid stuff we don't need and be in debt forever. All that decline benefits those in control .. CERTAINLY not us. But if they have now totally destroyed our health, who works for them or buys their crap. Guess they have what they need and are too stupid we thiner CEATIVES are what makes life INTERESTING. Do you think accountants, scientists and mathematicians (economists?) are the musicians and artist that add excitant to life?
Sun. April 14, 2024, 11:30 pm
If somebody not attractive asks you "Am I ugly?" you don't say "yes!" As a GOOD Human connected to another, you say something like, "You may not look like a model but you look like a person I would like to know .. and that is actually BETTER. You have a great smile and look like a supportive kind person." Now how the hell much would that INCREASE our human stock market VALUE. When that person feels sad they are kind of UGLY .. even YEARS later .. their spirits will be UPLFTED by those words. Hah what a brilliant example of how we need a NEW STOCK EXCHANGE .. a HUMAN VALUE ONE!!
SO .. sometimes we TWIST TRUTH .. but ONLY for good!
Mostly our world twists truth .. solely for EVIL .. only for the purpose of gaining in the OUTDATED (if we want to not go EXTINCT) old accounting ME LEDGER!
copied here Tues April 30, 2024, 11:30 am.
help my son might KILL ME!
he is 8 and autistic.🤣 sure laughing sounds evil .. but you HAVE To .. or you will DIE of DESPAIR. I hear those autistic monsters Under my Window all day. They scream and scream until I am read to lobotomize them and put them in the asylum. Where was our curiosity that this has multiplied a hundred times. Have you looked for causes of GAY-ness? No we celebrate it with PRIDE .. and a SPECIAL week .. instead of wonder what happened to NORMAL and RESEARCH what is WRONG??
Instead of saying "hmm for centuries and centuries humans bodies worked a certain NORMAL way .. why are we all of a sudden seeing SO MUCH of EVERY abnormal? obesity, addiction, heart disease, CANCER, DEPRESSION and gay and autistic. When I was young NONE of these were NORMAL! (Hmm let's say "normal" so we can just DRUG them for profit says the biggest cartel of all.) NO! gay and autistic is NOT normal. Instead of facing we have destroyed EVERY facet of even PHYSICAL HEALTH we just create profitable BANDAIDS.
Get Out of here if you are screaming at me .. get on another planet because your brainless divisiveness is destroying humanity. Nobody said we should be MEAN to these DISABLED people any more than if they had bad LUNGS. A bad brain is just about NormaL now as cancer! And in case you never CONNECTED any ideas .. our brain is EVERYTHING, our BRAIN is our HUMAN! Our MIND and "heart". BOT are missing! Everything in our life, what we do, what we think, how we behave is FROM OUR BRAIN. And our brain is MISSING .. at least the THINKING wanting to UNDERSTAND .. Right hemisphere is! Because we never cared to find the CAUSES of all these problems .. it is now FAR TOO LATE. Sugar started the whole COLLAPSE of humanity. What kind of "human" puts profit and power over other humans ongoing well being? THEY .. the rulers are either zombie, devil, or ALIEN? Slowly murdering people for another yacht is NOT HUMAN.
Reading the article is horrifying. Sorry if Netanyahu IS ALLOWED TO KILL thousands of innocent people .. in my world .. how is it bad to kill this child?🤔 We are such a CONFUSED society! He can kill probably 100,000 innocents .. no problem! .. but I am the devil for saying this MURDEROUS boy gets MAID. No question the being is KILLED. Why can Net kill thousands? but you scream when I say "MAID that child"?? If you think I am horrible then YOU look after "it". This is not a human in any way. These women can not work, plus TORTURING them in this way. He needs constant care. For what? So he can kill them? This is not a HUMAN. A human HAS a BRAIN. We are a brainless society of SCREAMING zombies! (By the way .. Nor is Netanyahu human .. he is a SERIAL killer! A serial killer who is lucky enough to be a RULER .. so it is ALLOWED. 🤔 NO!!!! He gets MAID!
Tues. April 30, 2024, 1:00 pm.
Should we be Turtle Rabbits? The first fake news? Aesop? Right brains are SLOW, but like a rabbit CURIOUS. We can not stay on the straight and narrow. We WANDER around and LOSE the race. The turtle won because he just stayed on the path the RULERS wanted. No diverging, no curiosity, no WONDERING .. you will lose the race. Just plod along and you win. I am slow and it took me 6 decades + to realize the Turtle and the Hare Fable WAS A CON JOB! Way back in greek times or whenever there was already FAKE NEWS!! When I can afford ?discourse .. we can vote on names. Am I Turt-Rab 01? We need to SLOWLY THINK our way out of this mess.
So to be a member HERE in Reverse World you must be a GOOD Human. What is a GOOD human according to ME. I/m the boss of my made up world! I get to chose members .. but then you duplicate this ArCHITECTURE everywhere. ADD common .. FAIR!
But what MAKES a GOOD human. Human+ MIND and Heart .. soul
Whwre does our MIND and heart come from? Comes from BRAIN, its wiring and enzymes? and hormones? I am not a scientist but I am a good COLLECTOR .. but an even better CONNECTOR. a Love for Nutrition, Health AND Architecture along with American History and WHY DO THINGS NOT WORK WELL although the founding fathers tried so hard! This was somehow a magic combination! by connecting OTHERSEXPERTISE and Human INTELLIGENCE I came up with some pretty great answers! Like the Theory of everything Human Health .. and the 3/ 6/ 9 that solves everything. So why are humans mean or evil? It's their brain dummy. We have been taught NOTHING USEFUL because THEY want us IDIOTS. Thinkers who become SMART are a PAIN for those focused ONY on Profit and power. Life is SIMPLE with one focus .. ME! Life is much harder when we care about OTHERS well being NOT just our own.
The brain creates a good human. Depending how right or left hemisphere you are or how BALACED that will be your basic CHRCTER. But character is also affected by NURTURE! and where and when you are born cosmos (zodiac?) see Image above!
Sun. Mar 31, 2024, 10:30 pm. incomplete ..
A Young girl I have become acquainted with took this mornings shift because another Concierge friend probably QUIT and never came in. Today's concierge was already working the afternoon shift. So she worked from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, Then stayed for the 3:00 to 11:00 pm shift probably barely any breaks. I went to take her a Lindt snack and say good luck for last 2 weeks of school, thinkng I must quit making friends .. they just LEAVE sooner and sooner. guess what? She works again tomorrow 7:00 am. These people almost all live 1 hour commute and on Sundays it is 1 1/2 hour. She will be home long after midnite, then up by 5:00 am after a 14 hour shift the day previous!
Now, if there was appreciation for her helping out, that would be good .. but this is constantly how PART TIME staff get treated. This is a huge (Retirement con) nursing home conglomerate and their employees go thru hell. But of course they probably have some trophy scam for "great employer". Employees live erratic unscheduled lives and it destroys their health. Then the stress helps to destroy their Emotionl health too. And we wonder how 42% of young people have suicidal thoughts??? We are insane to have accepted this.
Yes, and especially my brain is FRIED! The reason I wrote about this is because there are several model suites with lovely BEDS. They could be allowed to sleep over and reduce the stress of that ridiculous commute! Nope, they are almost full now so ?? no staff is allowed to stay! That does not even make sense! There would at LEAST be ONE model suite so use that one!!
We will give Corporations an OPTION to be FAIR Certified, to treat people like HUMAN BEINGS, not WORSE than slaves. (You own a slave, killing him is NOT to your benefit. Usless employees you just replace.) But these people have systematically DESTROYED our Health .. in a TORTUROUS MANNER. Murder usually means dead .. killing someone. They have done it slowly a little at a time depleting every factor that creates health. There are people in jail for 30 years because they got scared in a bribery and shot someone. These people have had no care whatsoever for the slow harm they have caused to all. Just like putting pesticide on farmlands with no care for us insists.
May 3, 2024, 7:00 pm
second BOEING Whistleblower is DEAD???? horrifying .. so suspicious. They must think we are now TOTALLY BRAIN DEAD.
Tues. April 2, 2024, 12:30 pm.
we are SCREWED .. the GREED of capitalism has done us in. This is just TERRIBLE. I feel bad sharing and then you will feel SICK like me. OK we have a last brief chance, please help me DEVELOP my plan to take over the world (link). LB are calm zombies ignoring what they feel harms THEM .. they see nothing but "me/ mine, here, now". WE SECOND ORDER THINKERS always look at the "We/ US Life Ledger" and WORRY about causes of problems and consequences of solutions. We neglect the "ME LIFE Ledger" always worrying about others!!
R Brains will WANT to die on hearing this. Please!! practise breathing deeply to feel a modicum of control. Then, please work on doing what jerk face Left brains have done all along .. ignore anything that does not SERVE them. we must change our behaviour to SURVIVE! LOOK AFTER OUR SELF! We will have to learn to ZOMBIE our seciong level THINKNG or we will die. I think I have not BREATHED since I found this.
This is just HORRIFYING. (From earlier in the pandemic.) The guy was trying to pay up rent arrears .. plus give extra rent .. This is MY country??? Do NOT talk to me of freedom and democracy. Those are a bunch of GARBAGE WORDS .. or .. LIES. I was afraid of the police BEFORE this, now I am TERRIFIED! and I am a 77 year, old entitled, white lady!!!! If I am afraid, can you imagine how much FEAR young men feel?? No wonder they want a gun.!! I wonder how many are so despairing they are PREPARED for "death by cop". An H bomb is SO about to happened. Addiction deaths, suicide and mass shootings will soon explode even more. I am not WISHING this .. you can not treat HUMANS so HORRIBLY for so long and not expect EXPLOSION.
Whoops!! even worse .. this article does not seem to say the same thing at all .. much more positive BUT by the very devil himself .. canada! If we can not TRUST "Stats Can" what is the point? Life is too hard trusting no one. It says 2 of 3 households own their own home ?? Why do I not know one person of my small family, who owns theirs? Plus, it says social housing is 1.3%. far as I know everybody is STRUGGLING, not 1 of 100 of us! We are really prepared for this worst economic collapse of all, eh?
OK I am not sure they will not "WACO" our gated community (ie destroy us) .. but they DO leave MENNONITES alone. WE better call us Amish #2! We just want to show THEM that life is actually BETTER with less, less consumption and excess. less extreme consumption. I mean less worry that nature or the climate will eat us is GOOD, right? I think if we were regretful and god would pity us, give us another chance.
See my "what makes a good human" diagram (link) .. but this is his zodiac .. if only I RAN the world!!
Hilarious!! from the link ..
"Weaknesses: Know-it-all, unforgiving, condescending, expecting the worst" 🤣
Capricorn dislikes: Almost everything at some point"
.. this is HILARIOUS. The truth is .. I looked at some other zodiac sites and they did NOT fit Netanyahu .. SO I GUESS WE CAN ALWAYS FIND A MATCH FOR OUR BIAS? 🤔 That will be the basis of most of our "HUMAN INTELLIGENCE SHARED" careers .. REDOING the stupid GOOGLE internet garbage system. We will find and list ONLY closer to truth. Like an ENCYCLOPEDIA ON STEROIDS. somehow must partner with Wikipedia .. who has tried for years (but not with a CERTIFIED "FAIR" SPONSOR model.)
HAH .. from here on I call him ".. YAHU" .. he does not deserve the extra letters. And why does any GOOD human stick up for him?? Anyone who is on HIS side is EVIL and not human! You are not a "jew" you are EVIL! At least you are a TOTAL zombie if you like him. Does he not give you "the willies" when you see his face? He is the picture of stupid GREED and WARRIOR to me. My intuition has shown me his evil spirit since I first heard of him decades ago. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR INTUITION!
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google