Mon. April 8, 2024, 9:30 am.
Interesting that this is the day of the AMERICAN TOTAL ECLIPSE! Fascinating animals understand NON of our HYPE .. yet they are affected in many ways! Turtles are faster and mate, giraffes run in anxiety, (CNN) dogs get quiet or howl, obviously affected. If that is not PURE PROOF EVERYTHING is CONNECTED .. I do not know what will convenience you. Unless we start to ACTUALLY THINK again and connect how our BEHAVIOUR affects nature AND nurture, HAH! So A I is only the last step! If we seriously think we are not already half EXTINCT, we definitely have NOT been paying attention. Selfish shallow behaviour will kill society because EVERYTHING is connected.
Yes productivity and profit are good to base an economy on. But with NO respect or responsibility how our ACCOUNTING SYSTEM will affect EVERYTHING we will destroy humanity! Each of us together = HUMANITY. Each of us affects nature and the NURTURE of society. WE are the ATMOSPHERE! see photo!
We are too lazy to every minute CONSIDER how our behaviour affects EVERYTHING. MY PERSONAL behaviour affects NATURE (OUR shared environment) and our community through NURTURING. In business, BIG bosses NO LONGER CONNECT their behaviour to the WE and US Ledgers. Only money (profit, power) matters and too late we see our LACK of respecting CONNECTION has destroyed EVERYTHING. Corporate BEHAVIOUR affects workers and customers WELL BEING. corporate behaviour creates our ever further collapsing society. You can not DEPLETE or destroy every LIFE Resource WHILE INCREASING EVERY LIFE TOXIN and not expect the end of civilization. UNLESS .. you mind no longer CONNECTS anything.
There is only ONE thing that will save humanity from our soon arriving .. EXTINCTION. It is a RETURN (Natives understood!) a return to respecting that EVERYTHING CONNECTS. TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to MANAGE ALL connections for INCREASE instead of our ever faster decrease of resources of 6 decades. Inability to SEE that our SOCIETY INCREASES toxins as we DEPLETE Resources is proof that our brains no longer FUNCTION. This is probably the BIGGEST CONNECTION we have neglected.
Mon. April 8, 2024, 9:30 am.
Is the higher consciousness of "humans" the ability to connect all things especially ideas? We seem to have lost our tiger consciousness? Those who can not connect searching for causes of problems (PAST) with possible FTURE consequences do NOT seem very CONSCIOUS. Never mind HIGHER consciousness, are people who are not aware, not paying ATTENTION, OBLIVIOUS, still humans? Some Country music singer just got arrested for throwing a chair off 6th floor bar, laughing after. In a busy city is there even just ORDINARY consciousness still present. When we think only "ME/ mine, here, now" we have ACTUALLY lost our humanity. So humans are half extinct already. Kids are raised with moms whose face is in a screen teaching NOTHING about NORMAL civility. GOOD humans or even just REAL humans consider others well being before any behaviour that HARMS. Even this ATTENTION is gone!
Zombies, mindless, heartless "beings" are not human. Hopefully most are just STRESSED oblivious and we can stop our extinction of our species.
Mon. April 8, 2024, 12:00 noon
3 months ago I started making plans to go to buffalo to see the total ECLIPSE. They were so excited I eventually got bored hearing about it, and never followed through. (but probably just my usual "THINK a LOT, but never ACT" bad behaviour). I heard no more anywhere not TO not CNN nothing, nobody but bflo excited. All of a sudden 10 days before TO even closed schools!!
Unreal .. I guess irresponsible parents might sue school for damage .. so better send kids HOME where the parent will accept no PERSONAL blame for their un-parented irresponsible kids. I saw a lady today, 2 kids completely ignored and in my way .. plus their DOG .. while SHE was on the phone taking up an entire extra LARGE sidewalk. a perfect example of our self absorbed OBLIVIOUS to others society. I guess my 4 years of research is "REAL world sidewalk" rage, NOT a silly lab! Get me off this RUDE loud planet! Can I please move to a quiet, more HUMAN one .. maybe just animals? 🙈
Anyway just a few hours pre eclipse, I am really against it now. Nobody says to me "Is it not AMAZING that the little moon dwarfed by 400 x the size of the sun has power? It can obliterate the HUGE sun's light, even though it is TINY?!! Talk about David vs Goliath. This is way bigger scale. We should be excited to recognize us little moon guys COULD obliterate the POWER guys, if we worked together. In reality this is NOT a FAIR FIGHT. Let's make the equal emoji size work ..
☀️ 🌙 .. by sticking together, against those who care only for PROFIT, no matter the harm done to US and earth. 🌪️ 🌎 🔥
Am I right that no one is saying anything about these BIG COSMOS connections? They have blathered on all day on CNN (1:15 pm). Once or twice someone expressed the WONDER of us in the cosmos but mostly just the EXPERIENCE, like another Magic Kingdom or Disney world. Plus like covid, (considering sanitation?) when I photograph clouds/ sky, I must have long done damage, but no one ever mentions! Here are the CONNECTIONS of human INTELLIGENCE that should be voiced by a CONNECTING IDEAS society.
If we connected with strangers in wonder and awe .. maybe that is a beginning? if we THINK and connect ideas maybe we still can respect our home enough to save ourselves? Only CONNECTING EVERYTHING with respect and personal responsibility will do it. We either quit our lazy, shallow, selfish behaviour .. or DIE. 👿 or 😇
Wed. April 3, 2024, 7:30 pm.
No wonder our society has become so SHALLOW and inauthentic! We only THINK ABOUT things that can be turned into MONEY. OMG Let brains (first order "thinkers") only VALUE what the can use! What good id a smile orr kind word .. it does not create $$. But that is so wrong and totally proves Mcgilchrists' work . Left brains USE, right brains want to UNDERSTAND. I think finally I UNDERSTAND! It only took 6 plus DECADES of DIVERGENT connecting ideas! It took being WEIRD, and using my disability time and money to research everything I could, investigate why our world was so stupid, people mean and nothing working!
A smile and kind word have GREAT value!! A smile lifts people's spirits, they feel seen and respected. Now they work harder and pass that smile on to customers or fellow workers. EVERYBODY WINS! A kind word or compliment makes an employee feel great, now he treats customers with rest and consideration and they tell other's what a great company this is! Win! Win! all around! Instead Left brains are stuck in an obsessive tunnel of "use it for profit". Sadly their brain divvied of right brain wiring can not UNDERSTAND kindness MULTIPLIES. Mean destroys, not just subtracting but the minus is MULTIPLIED! Our GOOD Humans ONLY community will multiply all our RESOURCES because kind and caring energy goes into the atmosphere and multiplies everything good!
We will DIE soon! especially the breast gen who sacrificed for war! TOO LATE to learn when we are GONE!
Sun. April 14, 2024, 12:00 noon
For years I have watched the JOY of CBS Sunday morning .. NOT a news program but where we are able to learn about fascinating new things. Not to buy or even experience but just to pay new ATTENTION to. Like today Waterford crystal is from Ireland in the 1700 from a VIKING Town! Fascinating! But I notice more and more it is becoming WORRISOME topics. I guess they feel like I feel about my beloved architecture and decorating mags .. not happening so why bother dreaming. It is wonderful to be curios and wonder / learn about new things BUT when the world is COLLAPSING maybe CBS feels we need to do more important things?
But we NEED something calming! All the rest of life is stress and raging at stupid evil things. Couldn't we just spend Sunday morning taking joy in what (god's) planet COULD give us? .. if we BEHAVED like GOOD humans! Today only pop tarts movie (nope! reminds how processed food destroyed our brains!) so really ONLY the Columbian Flowers was wondrous. When will I be able to BREATHE if not Sun morning? (at the end they always do beauty nature but this time left us with an ??ANGRY, worried? turtle? NOT calming to wonder!)
OMG! Horrible thought .. Seeing how utterly STUPID humans have become (learning in 10 second tik toks? or at least wasting SO MUCH time there? .. it is very simple for A I and robots to get smarter that us!! You can not pay NO ATTENTION TO REAL LIFE and expect to RETAIN any human intelligence. Human intelligence is THINKNG. There is ALSO "action intelligence" of which I have ZERO ( can't multi task or even TASK COMPLETE!) Humans used to THINK intelligently and then ACT intelligently! Now we skip the think (too slow, takes too long) and just go to ACT. And we wonder why all is bandaids with no concept of CAUSE, and systems of DISCONNECTED SILOS.
Collecting and CONNECTING ideas for good solutions is too time consuming and Left brains just want to GET THE JOB DONE. eeeeyih .. it is so easy for robots and A I to take over a STUPID SOCIETY!! Here are examples of PROOF how stupid we are.
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google