Thurs. April 11, 2024, 9:45am.
Tues. April 30, 2024, 2:00 pm.
A TOTAL Human Health ACCOUNTING SYSTEM would take into account the TOTAL human Liabilities created by selling or revenue. We take NONE of that into account. So we have spent a century decreasing good and INCREASING BAD. We used up our natural resources and MULTPLIED very poison or Toxn to our health. Not a very SMARY economic SYSTEM. And I am a terrible manager or multi talker. But sorry .. multi THINKNG is ar more important than managing PROFIT! We worried only about PROFIT (and POWER) while we destroyed everything.
And believe me .. those I CHARGE are can not be that STUPID .. they are just PURE EVIL and we need to. take them down. Then again they destroyed their world TOO. They can have their jet and gold toilet .. but without us .. life is BARREN .. even if we do create TROUBLE like protests. If the world is quietly YURS .. how BORING!!
We have very STUPID ways of measuring SUCCESS. it is that stupidity that fried our brains and now we have NOTHING. No environment . AKA NATURE .. we destroyed NATURE .. AND the cosmos or our atmosphere, both PHYSICS (astro?) AND HUMAN.
GDP must go .. replaced by a HUMAN VALUE Stock market. One that values EVERY RESOURCE TO HUMAN HEALTH not $, and especially one that looks at MULTIPLIERS .. a SMILE increases our stock market value .. a grouchy gone violent person MULTIPLIES TOXICITY that sometimes stays forever in TRAUMA! We look at money and time or scarcity, like gold or battery minerals. What is MOST scarce is BRAINS! Brains hold logic, common sense .. we deplete or destroy all RESOURCES .. but MULTIPLY every LIABILITY known to man! How did we get that stupid? Sugar fried our brains (and now EMFs and forever chemicals will (PFAS). But the evil of sugar added destroying will power, and knowing plastics could NEVER be recycled is too evil to exist .. and if their brain is disabled TOO BAD .. we really should MAID them, along with "yahu's" evil. But it won't work because they have million minions doing their bidding. I wonder if the minions are too stupid to even know? "sugar adds flavour so people love it! 😈 " .. yeah sure.
We need a NEW ACCOUNTING SYSTEM "We/ US .. BEFORE me!" and a new Human Stock market .. that always increases because we ALL CONTRIBUTE our good energy!
instead of their stupid $ markers of "success" .. as EVERY SINGLE ONE of THEIR SYSTEMS COLLAPSES .. let's create a new SYSTEM that works and is "WIN/ WIN for EVERYONE".
A REAL HUMAN is "FAIR"! Only HUMANS allowed, no zombies (unless stressed oblivious).
Tues. April 30, 2024, 7:30 pm.
Building intelligence that CONNECTS ALL THINGS and IDEAS for base quality of life for all .. or TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH.
CAREERS cleaning up the internet .. waste management (finding dead biz web sites), (teaching reduced cloud!) power conserver, truth detective.(HAH someone not biased like me!!)
SPONSORED by those making the $$ from the waste creation!! Even Christina and Paul in Wheelchairs a little slow could do some of these jobs. She would love researching intuition and ? mysticism. For 100 people we only need maybe 6 to feed us, a few to clean, plus maintenance so we need EXTRA jobs .. our "factory" is cleaning up the internet for garbage and wasted power! .. plus REAL Health coaching.
In our stock exchange everyone contributes, but everyone receives FAIR. Travis Kelly gets 17 million but the people who keep his stadium clean can't eat AND pay rent. NO .. that is not human ,, greed capitalism turned INHUMAN. The minute you want FAIR idiots scream communism or at least socialism. That is frightening because my FAMILY does that! I am watching a nice kid grow into evil! at least MEAN and TWISTY! This is our brains on TOXINS! Our brains are US .. our soul is in our brain wiring! But the toxins of progress, even just STRESS have destroyed our Right brain wiring where our MIND and "heart" are. I do not UNDERSTAND what a person who USED TO BE NICE would find wrong with FAIR treated of all. If Kelsey gets only 16 million because the thousand who met keep the game going need FAIR .. what HUMAN disagrees with that? No brains left .. I should just give up. 🙄 I believe god made humans to be kind and caring not shallow, and SELFISH on a spectrum to GREED and evil! God wanted us to be like HIM .. always considerate of others FIRST. Our society is the OPPOSITE to THINKING common and GREATER good. "ORDER" is simple, just be FAIR .. the hard is compromise! Balancing duality and finding MODERATION is what makes life hard if living with others.
In Reverse World the companies STILL HUMAN will contribute our funds, in return for all credit for SAVING HUMANITY! Those funds will pay each FAIR career .. pay adjusted for complexity, study, safety, stability of schedule vs erratic, stress, etc. Everyone contributes and receives shelter food and fun in our GATED COMMUNITY. No BAD humans allowed unless they want to utilize our RIGHT THINKING BRAIN for their own BALANCE. Left can be evil when they refuse to pay attention, LISTEN and LEARN to reconsider! We will not have a "universal income" but FAIR! and we all help VALUE what is FAIR. We VOTE for far far more than which guy will cheat us out of "WE the PEOPLE" FAIR!
Wed. April 17, 2024, 12:30 pm.
HAH!! I am trying to get into the ME ledger I have so long neglected! I must get my taxes done, go bankrupt ot move or all, to save my $ collapse. My son suggested gov't would take my life insurance for THEM if I die before done. HEART ATTACK .. I c an accomplish no task because they all have MANY parts. That is not even multi task .. just MANAGE the completion of a task .. but there are MANY ME ledger tasks = MULTI TASK. So what does. an extreme right brain do? RUN AWAY! Ignore! Avoid! Goves me not just anxiety but a PANIC attack! Yet .. the million steps an MANAGING connectors in multi THINKNG re what makes up TOTAL human Health and how can we ACHIEVE it .. can be worked on by me 18 hours a day .. NO problem.
NO wonder when I try to talk to left brain people they walk away, get frustrated or if close hate me. They probably feel like I feel thees days thinkng about taxes and finances! ACTION. Get the job done, so foreign to me. But others do not have panic attacks to handle the jobs of LIFE.
Therefore .. I suggest LEFT brains are MANAGERS of ACTION with great ability to Multi Task. Right brains are managers of IDEAS with ability to multi THINK and CONNECT divergent ideas and facts and systems into ONE. Left brains manage getting jobs (and the tasks involved) done quickly in an organized manner. Left brains connect divergent TASKS CAUSING THEIR COMPLETION IN CONNECTED ORDER. Like how a Developer, has to CONNECT the divergent tasks of legal, design, construction and building finishing aspects, before sales. A far Right brain does that with ideas, creating better SYSTEMS for the Left brain to then ACT on. REAL SUCCESS is only obtained when first "think, then act" is the NORMAL way of ACCOMPLISHING the solution to problems.
A Left brain does not have patience for all this THINKNG and IMAGINING and WONDERING. But things worked far better when we SHARED our opposite brain resources WITH RESPECT. There is no longer RESPECT for Right brains. And society is collapsing by ignoring the huge value of trying to UNDERSTAND before ding!
Wed. April 24, 2024, 11:10 am.
Why do we waste the things we want and need MOST? Yet we even MULTIPLY the natives in our ACCOUNTING of VALUE. In our NEW HUMAN Stock Markey exchange we account for REAL Value, not $, but TOTAL COMPLETE value to human life or HEALTH. Does "cloud" so we can be lazy about saving our work, irresponsible about our energy use REALLY MAKE HUMAN LIFE BETTER? Or .. does it simply pollute more .. use up more resources, while destroying our feeling of CONTROL. It is terrifying when you realize google controls our mind (what we know), apple controls our life connection and memories (?our phone and photos), and (?EMP) control, AKA DESTROY our heath. Have you seriously not thought what went thru wires to let us phone each other now just goes THROUGH YOUR BRAIN. Between stress, screens and decades of sugar destruction we are too many of us .. JUST ZOMBIES. A HUMAN is a MIND and "HEART". Without our balanced R (think), L (act) hemisphere BRAIN WIRING .. we are just ZOMBIES, bodies with no soul! If still Thinking Right brains (and of course, those lucky still BALANCED BRAINS, can CONNECT we can create a new REAL ACCOUNTING system that VALUES all resources and toxins NOT JUST THE STUPIDITY OF $$.
add .. moon and niagara college nightmare
Sorry this kid STEALS Resources and multiplies toxins in our HUMAN Ledger .. not fair .. and as a good human HE would say "just MAID me!"
Fri. May 3 2024, 7:00 pm
Left brains focus on POSITIVE. There is a LAW of attraction .. what you focus on you get. It is 100% true. How many selfish, self-confident, feeling DESERVING people do you know who are doing OK, even doing just FINE? I suggest all us REAL good humans that are not so self assured, not so confident, and not SURE that we deserve (because we have EMPATHY and see others struggle) are we the very ones who STRUGGLE? You know the "self fulfilling prophecy" that USED TO BE popular."I deserve! so I get". vs "Do I deserve, I am not confident of my value and skills". We have to look for studies on this .. but ALL the people who tell me I am negative should just focus positive and GET SOMETHING ACCOMPLISHED do not struggle. They look after THE SELF and off they go. so I believe that magic magnet exists .. like GRAVITY.
Guess what? unless we start moving into that POSITIVE FOCUS .. we are the ones will be dead. The zombies will live on in their HELL they are TOO OBLIVIOUS TO NOTICE. "You should just worry about yourself .. get the job done! mind your business, you are not the judge!" Selfish seems to pay off! So we MUST step out of our we/ US ledger focus to ME .. and make good come to us! God made that law so he did not need to puppet us .. he just did not expect THOUGHFUL people to be unable to not just continue WORRYING.
Thurs. April 11, 2024, 8:30 am.
Natives knew this .. but oh my they were the PRIMITIVES. We were so arrogant, and now we just PAY NO ATTENTION to normal and NATURAL. For us everything. is SPECIAL. No sorry we are NOT special .. the ECLIPSE should have TAUGHT that. But for most their brains are BEYOND learning. All they perceive is their own SPECIAL. We either go back to CONNECTING all thing s for our TOTAL Human Health .. or we GOOD Humans die. BAD Human zombies will remain, but zombies have no SOUL.
Here is one researchers idea.
"an ORCHID in the swamp, traditional HEALING" thesis by Jairus SKYE McMaster 2006
sorry can't copy .. = half the first paragraph re "collective balance among mind, body, spirit, emotion and the environment .. we totally lost that common sense in our elitist arrogance.
Sun. April 14, 2024, 11:30 pm
If somebody not attractive asks you "Am I ugly?" you don't say "yes!" As a GOOD Human connected to another, you say something like, "You may not look like a model but you look like a person I would like to know .. and that is actually BETTER. You have a great smile and look like a supportive kind person." Now how the hell much would that INCREASE our human stock market VALUE. When that person feels sad they are kind of UGLY .. even YEARS later .. their spirits will be UPLFTED by those words. Hah what a brilliant example of how we need a NEW STOCK EXCHANGE .. a HUMAN VALUE ONE!!
SO .. sometimes we TWIST TRUTH .. but ONLY for good!
Mostly our world twists truth .. solely for EVIL .. only for the purpose of gaining in the OUTDATED (if we want to not go EXTINCT) old accounting ME LEDGER!
42 %!!
chemical toxins may be least of our worries. Zombies probably will enrage thinkers into civil war or at least cause suicide. Despairing humans may be more imminent demise, than climate change. We may have a few years before we succeed with that source of extinction. But destroying people's MIND and Heart, in itself is EXTINCTION. A Human is his mind and "Heart" unfortunately LOCATED IN OUR BRAIN. Our BRAIN is long gone .. for most it seems the ROGHT THINKNG HEMISPHERE. The "me/mine, here, now" ACTION Left hem. is quite functioning, but in zombies with no soul.
Our brain has been SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYED by our rulers. In 1956 Meerloo wrote "the RAPE of the mind" about marketing or THOUGHT CONTROL! In 1974 we tried to STOP sugar addition as worse than any tobacco's damage. Sugar inflames normal body functions, creating all manner of disease. in 1975 Dufty wrote "Sugar Blues", in 1994 Philip K Howard wrote "the DEATH of COMMON Sense". Nobody listens, the THINKERS worry, while the warrior Left brains TAKE OVER. Dr Philpott's "BRAIN ALLERGIES", 1980 was MIND BLOWING and so strangely sent to me, as usual BY THE UNIVERSE (god).. seriously! Take advantage of my collecting and connecting!! Even Friedman's (productivity/ Profit) change of heart can be seen in his LATER 1982 work. But no one listens! We simply take ideas and inventions and use them to excess (NO moderation), or take then too extreme (NO balance). We do NOT deserve to live .. as a purely DESTRUCTIVE SPECIES. At least left brain rulers MUST BE STOPPED, or REAL humans are extinct.
We are at the end of our stupid reign over a planet we did not respect, and took NO Personal Responsibility for. You can try to WARN people but you can't make them listen. So I am done caring. Show me you want me to continue my work CONNECTING ideas .. or I will just watch the human race unnecessarily die sadly.
I guess ACTION MIND "Rulers" never READ? Years of no one listening to us Right brain THINKERS is ENRAGING. There must be others who are so very angry THEY never listened to ALL OUR DECADES LONG WARNINGS. The final consequence of our stupidity is HERE. I guess there are 3 kinds of humans. (Please REMEMBER this is generalizing and everything is a SPECTRUM NOT black and white. Those of us yelling BEWARE that no one listens to. Those of us just following along doing our work, trying to live, and those of us gone evil, obsessively ONLY CARING about "me/ mine, here, now" Maybe it is time for us THINKERS to rise up .. to start a REALus? THEM WAR. If we can get the sheep ASLEEP and complicit on board with US .. we still can survive. If the sheep just continue with their face in their phone .. WE HUMANS ARE DEAD .. EXTINCTED by our own greed and stupidity!
Wed. April 17, 2024, 8:30 am.
HOT burning coffee is a perfect example. Are Left brains just INSENSITIVE to EVERYTHING? EVERYTHING needs a ledger VALUING of how many are involved? how greatly are each of those involved affected? evaluated in order to try to find the "GREY SCALE of FAIR"
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google