Tues. April 30, 2024, 10:00 am.
we are our brain
Left brain is ACTION .. FIRST right should THINK IT THROUGH! That wiring is gone .. we think nothing and that makes it much easier to get AHEAD. So Left brains are in charge because they "DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" Sounds like a mafia guy! I guess now we live in terror of murderous gangs when the murder is really those in CHARGE.
I am going to be BOLD. This is the last BIBLE or commandment or LAW. Be a DECENT human .. or die. WE can judge who you are! Left brains are the beginning of the SELFISH spectrum toward EVIL. Too far on the SELFISH SPECTRUM is psychotic and then = evil, NOT HUMAN. Sorry when you are NOT HUMAN and I charge of the world we are going to have to kill you. (Except now I do know I will die. MAID is not available til 2027 so go ahead instead of death by cop I will die by the EVIL ONES.
GOOD humans are the ones who think of OTHERS before self. If I feel like screaming but I may give toehold lady beside me a heart attack I GIVE UP WHAT I WANT for the common good. Children raised by selfish parts are not taught ?the golden rule. I prefer common good but doubt EITHER can even be understood by unaware Left brains. If you are selfish and shallow STRESSED just to SURVIVE .. by all means join us. But you must LISTEN and learn and reconsider some of your ideas. Left brain ideas may be good but nor contemplated to deeper levels. Unless we REBALANCE our brains with what we each have left .. HUMANITY is extinct. Oblivious zombies are NOT HUMANS.
Be careful if you are a left brain " stop whining, just get 'er done" type. Unless you are willing to begin thinkng odf MORE than the SELF, "me/ mine, here, now", we may have to kill you. Selfish shallow SHEEP following is what got us in this mess. Get off the scale toward evil and join the pole who THINK before they act for their ME ledger! We Thinkers NEGLECT our me leder (our SELF!) We are so busy worrying about others and the world and earth we neglecy looking after our SELF! I think we are getting sick of it .. some of us ENRAGED! It is not only OUR job to consider the world in our actions .. it is ALL humans. So if you do not want to think of anyone but you and yours Get the hell of the planet .. you have DESTROYED humans!!
NoT POLITICAL left/ right! but Brain hemispheres .. (which is OPPOSITE)! Except I think any politician is Left brain .. they look after "Me / mine, here, now" and want money and POWER. Sadly today, we the people are last on their mind.
Tues. April 23, 2024, 8:30 am.
Wait a minute! ESP .. EXTRA sensitive (sensory?) GOOD vs eveil person .. this proves they are DISABLED!! I hate that the use of my time, energy and lost joy is USED UP by being sensitive to EVERYTHING, others, plus physical sensitivity, sensitive to CAUSES, sensitive to consequences and by nearly 70 years of this .. I am enraged at injustice. Being sensitive to others means feeling THEIR injustice! Then Left brains come along and say you think you are god or stop PRETENDING you are sooo nice (virtue signalling!) If ONLY!! If only we were just PRETENDING we I would not by 70 years of seeing injustice be so ENRAGED I am ready to murder evil people. BUT! .. wanting to COLLECT and then connect TRUTH .. I now find they are just UNABLE to be sensitive or THOUGHFUL to others needs! Their tunnel vision makes them OBLIVIOUS to others feelings and needs! Their inability to SEE, feel others HARM really does just make them knock down anything in their way. They are a bulldozer driving down the one way "success" lane. But their closed minded, tunnel vision does not let them SEE the view and atmosphere around them COUNTS in quality of life. OTHER humans actually make their life good. They see us creatives as IN THEIR WAY. Look at Netanyahu .. he see his goal and if you get in his way you are dead. he is the perfect example of brain dead OBLIVION .. clueless to others PAIN .. CLUELESS TO FAIR!
Mon. April 8, 2024, 7:30 pm .. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN
Perfect example of Left brain ACT .. no THINKING to consider others. people yelling and clapping. Can you not just QUIETLY be in AWE of the wonder of nature and the cosmos? Maybe some of us want to pay ATTENTION to the "US Life Ledger" instead of hear your constant "ME/ MINE, here, now" self focus. People have no concept that their screaming and noise may NOT be what the WHOLE wants. Go away .. you are a BAD human to steal MY quiet JOY. THINK, always of others, BEFORE you selfishly act .. or just get off the planet (unless you care ENOUGH, to LISTEN, Learn and Reconsider before thoughtless action, by using the BRAIN resource of THINKERS.)
There are TAKERS and GIVERS, says Kasey Musgraves. SNL 2024. We can have both right and left Hemispheres but Takers (dark energy) are more Left action focused and Givers are more right empathy focused.
all parts of brain connect to create WHO we are
Wed April 17, 2024, 1:00 pm.
more elsewhere.
Therefore .. I suggest LEFT brains are MANAGERS of ACTION with great ability to Multi Task. Right brains are managers of IDEAS with ability to multi THINK and CONNECT divergent ideas, facts and systems into ONE CONNECTED. Left brains manage getting jobs (and the tasks involved) done quickly, in an organized manner. Left brains connect divergent TASKS, ALLOWING THEIR COMPLETION IN CONNECTED ORDER. Like how a Developer, has to CONNECT the divergent tasks of legal, design, construction and building finishing aspects, before setting sales costs. A far Right brain does that with new ideas, creating better SYSTEMS for the Left brain to then ACT on. REAL SUCCESS is only achieved when we first "think, and only then act". This was the NORMAL way of ACCOMPLISHING the solution to a problem, when we were INTELLIGENT responsible, respectful PIONEERS. By the late 1800's this skill was already declining in favour of profit and power over REAL success. REAL success is when EVERYONE WINS, not just the few. A shallow, selfish society will not survive, since all is in authentic, and only MARKETING.
A Left brain does not have patience for all this THINKNG and IMAGINING and WONDERING. But things worked far better when we SHARED our opposite brain resources WITH RESPECT. There is no longer RESPECT for Right brains. And society is collapsing by ignoring the huge value of trying to UNDERSTAND before doing!
Sadly just as MANY tasks to Multi task puts a Right brain into panic, so too multi ideas feel like abuse to a left brain.. so he lashes out. Left brains are UNABLE to think deeply and since their life is ACTION .. they simply bully divide and destroy, anyone who wants to think more DEEPLY. Since SHALLOW profit/ power "progress" toxins .. fried our NORMAL BALANCED brain wiring society is now in a state of COLLAPSE.
Hopefully many of you are BALANCED and can find value in these new INTELLIGENCE CONNECTIONS to help build a better system. before it is surely very soon .. too late. Humanity will be extinct. Unless we are willing to change "MORE, faster easier" to respect and RESPONSIBILITY for the NORMAL and natural. There is a NORMAL to humans. It is being FAIR and considering the well being of others .. not JUST the self. we have gone the WRONG way for far too long. If we work together we could still WIN.
Sat. April 6, 2024, 3:00 pm
find that research!
solution for those who HARM with their words. But I have family members who have NO CLUE and NEVER apologize. Old people used the word "RETARDED!" This is not a good way to be liked I the world! But could this MEAN behaviour actually be a mis-functioning BRAIN?? .. UNABLE to visualize the consequence of horrible words and then remembering they WERE said?
Fri. April 5, 2024, 5:30 pm.
What if their brain is damaged so it is UNABLE to think of or IMAGINE another's past, to find causes of problems? What if their brain can not imagine the FUTURE in order to FORESEE unexpected consequences. What if the evil Coporations really can not SEE they are destroying our health. What if their TUNNEL VISION, focused solely on PROFIT or "me/ mine, here, now" actually does not ALLOW them to see reasons and problems of action?? When members of your family that you love, have become less able to DISCUSS and understand than they could a few years ago judging those willing to harm others becomes harder. If you harm me because you are STUPID, to me it is far less evil than KNOWING you are causing harm but you are ok with destroying OTHER"S well being. That to me eventually deserves murder. But if it is disability can we send then to mars? Put them in old asylums locked in? If they are alien and unaware how do we make them get in their space ship and LEAVE? We have a lot of decisions to make. But good humans make them with LISTENING, Learning and THINKING, RE-considering for compromise.
I believe these theories of brain or mind are all SIMILAR .. Warrior/Worrier, Left/ Right brain, first vs second level or order THINKING, plus selfish vs selfless spectrum are all similar theories. But dr Iain Mcgilchrist is a long studied neuroscientist and who we will focus on. (link Left brains are DESTROYING CIVILIZATION.)
But here is the HARD PART. Are these people actually UNABLE to look back to find REASONS/ causes to create better solutions. see article .. something is WRONG with their brain. So they are DESTROYING society without being EVIL?? If they can not look into the future imagining a solution, (in order to see FLAWS) they actually can be destroying us .. without THEIR KNOWLEDGE. (It Fits! Since I was 9, I thought the world was STUPID. Your body is the cathedral for your soul. Why would you build it with COKE?) We do so many STUPID things! Did we unknowingly FRY our brains? I think it was PURPOSEFUL and pure evil, so this is messing my THEORY. But all the people led by McKinsey consultants (link) could be brain fried while just the power families are the evil or aliens. 🤔 Face it there are a few global ruling families that are keeping us all SHEEP. But this e"shepherd" are leading us to the extinction of humans. Maybe we have to murder them either way .. massive STUPID or evil. Same result .. the END of civilization by disrespect irresponsibility and terrible resource management by GREED. 😱
Do my family members really not understand there is much more to ACTION than the 2 outside onion layers. Before ACTION we must think the ALL the onion layers. Are these people NOT lazy and irresponsible .. but DISABLED. Damn! life with a THINKING Brain is SOO SOO much harder than a simple ACT Left brain life
It is
Fri. April 5, 2024, 6:00 pm.
just read the comments. "Does anyone else not care about the Eclipse?" see if you can tell who is balanced, somewhat right very right, some very cool answers I want to invite here. NOT the ones who think it is stupid .. very CLOSED minded, not good. This is actually very hopeful .. most do not judge but try to LEARN FROM others ENTHUSIASM! YEY!! 😁
Mon. April 29, 2024, 8:30 am
?? OK these CONJOINED TWINS had to be Left brain! Left brains say "stop whining and get on with it". OMG .. how was there life POSSIBLE? I think Left brains are the ones who think suicide is WEAKNESS, a flawed character. My brain can not even conceive of their conjoined life, especially at the HEAD! How did they even SLEEP. And they were male female. OMG .. talk about mind boggling. This needs a re study of HUMAN Health factors. I used to think I would rather be sickly but have loving connections. How did these 2 survive with GOOD jobs for 62!!!! years. this is horrifying but yet FASCINATING.
Later they do not even remember. They act quickly when they feel threatened, as a WARRIOR think it is an enemy.
Wed April 17, 2024, 9:30 am.
OJ was the beginning of the end .. we already lost our ability to discuss back then? Even today does anyone question the COLLAPSE of America was on view. What kind of justice system lets him off if Quilty. Probably even worse .. he was innocent yet convisted in public opinion and lost his "life" anyway though not ij prison. For an arrogant country .. pretty sad! Sports people should have supported him! But as Left brains already back then .. they just (Black / White)' ed it vs trying to discuss the GREY. NOT talking race but GREY SCALE.
please look at picture in article .. perfect example of everything wrong. Buffalo forever remembered LOSER .. yet they lost by 3 points. My world flips this nonsense to WIN WIN. Opposite happened with TO raptors recently but we WON! I could never figure out why LOSING team by a couple points can not ALSO be celebrated. Why do we need win lose? AHA!! now I get it .. same as we need GUILTY .. innocent, good guy /bad guy, right / wrong, and I have watched people go from GOOD humans questioning how bad or how good grey scale .. into SIMPLE closed minded SHALLOW yes/ no characters!
Life is not as simple as right/ wrong!! What if out everything is "BOTH .. and" ? Both good AND bad, right AND wrong is the meaning of DUALITY. Duality and the balance and MODERATION it REQUIRES can ONLY be UNDERSTOOD by a RIGHT brain person! Most people have LOST their RIGHT BRAIN WIRING. My theory like a right brain character .. the wiring is more SENSITIVE, more easy destroyed!!
Had we not followed along with their "MORE, easier, faster" con job to get us buying more and more, we would not be in this mess. Nobody made us buy more and more garbage. We were just silly sheep questioning nothing. "Make more sales? .. more PROFIT! Make it garbage? yes .. it falls apart, the sheep buy more! Still more PROFIT." 😈
We need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY NOW .. or we die (.. by NEXT easter?). They manipulated us and controlled our mind, so we can blame them. but this is our LAST opportunity to make change HAPPENED. We have destroyed too much of society, with our TOXIC mindless "progress". Any STOPPING, buy no more and do not even work for them if you can .. unless they are FAIR Certified.
It is totally fair to BLAME them. They PURPOSELY destroyed our Right brain THINKNG wiring and our will power with it by adding "sugar" and wheat to processed food! We knew in 1974 sugar was worse than cocaine .. but COKE was only the beginning. After those ads marketing became a IND CONTROL system. WE could have destroyed advertising when the internet came into our life. When you NEED that information or product it is NOT advertising. Instead we probably TRIPLED the advertising industries value.
We are very good at using great ideas for our DESTRUCTION. Anything EXTREME or excessive will most probably be destructive. Perhaps those in power are even stupider than us? With their use of "sugar" in every food with 56 names (in order to destroy our brain), we have every right to be angry. They systematically, knowingly destroyed our health and BRAIN. Stupid, lacking self discipline humans are much easier to keep in control. After all there are so many many more US! But they went too far and too many of us are now ZOMBIES, unwilling to think past the Myopia of SELF.
Mon. April 1, 2024, 8:30 pm
On "Henry Ford" I saw we have "invented" A I that can take crappy singing and put it on key? So we just threw out the talent of a rock star in our more recent stupidity. I wan to hear the music of a PERSON who is good at singing not a stupid A I app! That alone is bad enough to make some of us jump off a cliff in despair .. But .. we do not even think of the irony.
We invent STUPID useless LITLLE things. We used to invite cars for regular people nt just wealthy, planes! escalators, phones so we could talk to people who moved away. printing presses so we could SHARE GOOD IDEAS! Now we invent how a woman can have diffent art on every nail manicured. meantime young men are so despairing they feel they need a gun. They fear the police or military will come and attack them should they say the wrong thing.
Wed. April 3, 2024, 5:30 pm
Maybe we should INVENT a new SYSTEM of "ORDER and TOTAL Human Health". Each of us can be in charge .. each of us SHOULD be in charge TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. We gave it all to those in power, and lost control over our life! Throw out DUMBOCRACY for Octocracy, where we ALL take RESPONSIBILITY .. sharing our Human Intelligence. Let's create a new Human Stock market EXCHANGE where the REAL needs for life are valued!
We value nothing but MONEY or things to CONVERT to money. But we forgot healthy not STRESSED people are of HUGE value!! Physical health is just 1 factor of NINE we need to be fully Healthy. To be Healthy a REAL Human, (not a zombie who does not have a mind or "Heart") needs HUMAN connection and a NATURAL existence. With our arrogant elitism we have TOTALLY destroyed anything Natural about our existence. It is time to start OVER. Rebuild better, learning from our mistakes. Construct what the Founding Fathers hoped for .. a beautiful country that WORKS for "we the people". Instead of ugly decay and collapse that will no longer work for THEM Either!
😱 O! M! G! Since 9 I thought th world stupid. I was truly rightI thought there were mean selfish toward evil people doing stuff for themselves but what kind of IDIOT destroys not only your home but your whole HUMAN COMMUNITY?? Young people have no hope. Erratic schedules are affecting people even by the time they are 50 with poor health. A NATURAL existence kept humans going for 1000's of years. along come Americans and destroy us in 200 years. Left brains are destroying civilization! (link) But I think dr Mcgilchrist has got his timing wrong! I think the destruction is here!
Us vs THEM .. the Corporations who have done the EVIL .. destroyed every factor of our Total HUMAN HEALTH. Physical , plus economic, social, psychological, societal, spiritual .. but ESPECIALLY they have destroyed our HOPE. No more STUPID planned division. we come together as ONE .. ONLY one, no SPECIAL, no women, gays, immigrants .. NOTHING .. just one a HUMAN being with one goal .. to create basic quality of life for all. capitalism is fine .. it was our source of HOPE and possibility. but NOT EXTREME, NOT GREED. "productivity was the beginning of the end but marking or twisting minds was even worse and earlier EVIL. No more .. Join us to be decent FAIR companies OR .. we will have to decide of we can send you to Mars or have to kill you. Sadly you can't just be EVIL .. I think you are STUPID. A Dead world is no fun even if you HAVE a gld toilet jet and yacht!
Mon. May 6, 2024, 2:30 pm.
Mon. April 1, 2024, 3:00 pm.
WE the people but we have forgotten the WE in the quest for ME, I am SPECIAL. NO! You are not! See that cockroach nest, all those cockroaches slithering around? That is us USING UP every natural factor on earth for our "SPECIAL". Humans that is us as a general GROUP, (mostly ruined by American greed for "exceptionalism")
Humans are like .. you know, dogs, or sheep or ants. There are lots of different kinds and colours of dogs, but dogs are just one SPECIES. We are only ONE species no matter how "special" we each think we are. We are ONE .. human. HUams are all CONNECTED, and sorry but TOGETHER we either live .. or DIE. Right now our arrogant "special" is on the express train .. to DYING.
So get over your self, and accept there is just ONE of us. We quit that and thought we were SPECIAL .. special American, special FEMALE! special gay, immigrant etc etc. JUst get over yourself .. you are nobody anymore because our SPECIES is going extinct. Half of us are already GONE, ZOMBIES in human bodies. Not my imagination, not me being arrogant. Anybody lucky enough to be able to not THINK and therefore SEE a cataclysm is coming is very lucky .. but. zombie.
For years I allowed people to say "oh, 😡 you are so negative, just try to be more positive!". My thought was is it not the ignoring or avoiding of trouble That causes my URGENCY to PAY ATTENTION? It is that very ATTITUDE of NOT taking RESPONSIBILITY that got us into this whole mess. Being "negative" is yelling a warning for HUMANS! Our species is SICK! Wake up or we are going to DIE. Instead of listening to an HONEST REALISTIC ALARM BELL, they went right on with their lazy irresponsible and disrespectful BEHAVIOUR .. while demonizing me.
It was only recently I came to see there is a term for that "TOXIC positivity" I met a young lady who had the great SKILL or talent to make you look at positive, to feel hopeful .. yet she UNDERSTOOD we are at an urgent CLIFF. She will be one of our saints in our REAL bible vs the FAKE News one. remeber the Bible was the first commonly printed book .. a good way to make the masses BEHAVE .. control those who could take control if they ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER. Religion has only meant WAR and division. Look at israel today .. the very WORST! Yeah sure! A Loving god said you are the chosen ones .. it is ok t KILL anyone in your way!"
later .. see "member" drop down for links to our other PREVIOUS health sites created BEFORE all 9 factors where RECOGNIZED AND CONNECTED TOGETHER!
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google