Sat. April 6, 2024, 4:00 pm.
The REAL guy who DEVELOPED the universe was better and smarter than any DEVELOPER we have today times 1000. As CEO of the universe he did not want to be the BOSS. He knew all the CREATURES (humans too) were good and SPECIAL. (He just did not expect us to ONLY focus on our special to the DETRIMENT of WE and US. He is SAD. He gave us EVERYTHING we needed, and we behaved very BADLY, with disrespect and taking NO RESPONSIBILITY to manage earth well! We (especially Americans/ cdn), focused only on "me first, screw you" .. and "ME/ mine, here, now" very narrow minded VISION. We have been SELFISH and shallow and destroyed not just EARTH but have almost DESTROYED CIVILIZATION. (link). Those of us who still have Right brain THINKNG wiring perhaps can JUMP INTO ACTION and prevent the EXTINCTION of humans.
Wed. April 10, 2024. 8:30 pm.
Religion of all types is a joke. Ramadan end celebration, everybody ran into me going to it. I thought it was a month trying to remember to be nice to people? Maybe whoever makes a big show attending things never bothers with the HARD work of being kind to and caring of others. Like Netty and his IDF? army, what kind of RELIGIOUS person am I, if I want revenge because you killed my child .. so I kill everyone in your house, all your neighbours and destroy all the houses in your neighbourhood. And THOSE are god's chosen people?? And you seriously wonder how arrogant am I to think I can create a better religion? You just have to look to quakers, Amish etc for quiet REAL kindness instead of screaming. Is screaming always a tip off to greedy people?
ONE Commandment only .. be decent just be FAIR it is a lot of work .. takes THINKING of others first!
Then knowing you are doing best to be a GOOD HUMAN use the magnet
New careers in our new ORDER SYSTEM .. Total HUMAN Health community
We can do it NOW, our way .. for OUR BENEFIT. Or in a year or 2 when it ALL COLLAPSES you will be forced to soon live like a Gazan. Better to prepare now. besides I swear when we had our outhouse and only cold water my life was MORE FUN and JOY! This was the early 50's, later we had I phone amongst the farm Neighbours. If it was an emergency you asked the neighbour if you could "have the line"! 🙈 You think you have everything with that phone IN YOUR HAND! 😳 WITH EVERY ENCYCLOPEDIA, MAP, STORE AND VIDEO INSTANT .. but it is NON_SENCE! Ridiculous! it makes me so angry I FORGET I was at the forefront and would have created UTOPIA, good careers, happy CONNECTED people and ideas. Instead EVERYTHING is DISCONNECTED .. and NOTHING WORKS. Knowing BOTH WORLDS I can tell you 100% I would take the late 50's, by then there was a bathroom and ti think our own STILL OPERATOR phone.
Before us old people die you better thinkFAST and LISTEN, and LEARN from our wisdom. I believe the internet could be AMAZING .. but if you are a NOT THINKNG IDIOT worried only about fast profit it turns into the HELL we have. WHY not RELEARN BALANCE? Why not RELEARN how to do thing in MODERATION? 100% our love of excess and extreme has destroyed the total Health of humanity. We can ONLY be healthy by THINKNG, LISTENING, LEARNING and reconsidering in discussion and then INTELLIGENT COMPROMISE! Unless we contemplate CAUSES of problems and consider FUTURE consequences of solutions, everything is just a STUPID band aid or SILO
see we are NAIVE!
use old wisdom BEFORE gone
plus WE/ US Life Ledgers (link) not just ME/ mine!! Blockchain?
Fri. May 3, 2024, 8:30 am.
ACCOUNT FOR ... or VALUE everything! Not just "Plus" (asset or deposit) or "minus" (Liability or withdrawal) but MULTIPLIERS! If I go and buy that croissant .. it is not just I put 6$ on my credit went DEEPER in debt but the joy of the treat is NEGATED by so may TOXIC "MULTIPLES"! It eventually makes me fat .. can't fit clothes .. more $ spent .. but also de[letes HEALTH because a smarter nutritious choice PAY ATTENTION to not just BODY health but BRAIN HEALTH. Protein would be better than gluten which INFLAMES. Even choosing food we should use VALUE ACCOUNTING!
Maybe we have to look at LIFE like we SHOULD ALSO be looking at our Body and brain! REAL VALUE vs that Mccafe special is CHEAP. The "me ledger" is MY Health but the "WE and US Ledgers" are our community health and our EARTH Health!! oMG it is ALL based on SMART and FAIR .. just as I said for SOCIETY. (Bad guys are MADE not born. We MAKE bad guys. Israel MADE hamas, created terrorists by never being FAIR!) We are probably turning good humans into terrorists when they EXPLODE over the INJUSTICE of the game we have been UNKNOWINGLY playing.
pay FAIR tax
wages/ benefits
durable GOOD products
no garbage no toxins
still philanthropic (architecture and gardens!)
get old people to do it with us!! DO NOT BUY! They owe us .. they destroyed everything and the youth get NOTHING
Our First local templates will be copied everywhere eventually as people see our way provides BETTER quality of life FOR ALL. Like churches of old MULTIPLIED. They were not FRANCHISES but had to have the same beliefs or focus to have the ?denomination NAME.
This is how we fund our TAKING OVER (THE WORLD). We destroy CSR/ ESG/ HR twisted cons and replace with REAL HONEST FAIR DEALINGS and behaviour, instead of FAKE word scams.
Sat. April 27, 2024, 10:00 am.
HAH .. did THEY 👿 use the web word "LINK" to DESENSITIZE us? We imagine that everything IS LINKED, while everything is actually DIS linked .. DIS connected which DESTROYS in the END. To create TOTAL Human Health all people, things, Systems and especially IDEAS must be CONNECTED. Or we are STUPID!! .. which we ARE! Everything is a bandaid vs REAL solution, all is a SILO and ideas that need connecting for INTELLIGENCE are all DISCONNECT. Our belief in SPECIALIZATION (plus "I .. am special") has destroyed us! We talk LINK, while we have unlink-ed or DISCONNECTED EVERY SINGLE idea. Hmm that TWISTED use of the web was brilliant for EVIL devil greed rulers.
Here are some website IDEAS to memorize for further investigation. Our job, (CAREER) in our LAST "religion" is FINDING TRUTH .. so we can trust, create order, and build REAL HEALTH for all in our club.
We offer ergonomic assessments to help prevent workplace injuries and improve productivity. Our team can identify potential hazards and recommend changes to workstations and equipment to ensure that employees are working in a safe and comfortable environment.
Our occupational health surveillance services help employers monitor the health of their workforce. We can provide regular check-ups and screenings for specific health risks, such as noise exposure or hand-arm vibration syndrome.
Our workplace wellness programmes are designed to promote healthy habits and reduce absenteeism. We can offer a range of services, from stress management to fitness classes, to help your employees stay healthy and productive.
We offer a range of training programmes to help employers comply with relevant legislation and promote a safe and healthy workplace. Our courses cover topics such as manual handling, working at height, and fire safety.
Our health and safety audits can help you identify potential hazards and improve your workplace safety. We can provide a comprehensive report and recommendations for improvement, as well as ongoing support to ensure that your workplace remains safe.
Thurs. April 11, 2024, 8:00 am.
Without ATTENTION and AWARENESS of MORE than just "me/ mine, here, now" .. nature AND civilization collapse. Our Brain the place where our MIND and "heart" RESIDE
Wed April 17, 2024, 10:30 am .. this para added, rest not yet checked or edited
YES! BODY/ BRAIN. I guess first we must look after our BODY so our BRAIN will function properly!! .. not like a soul-less ZOMBIE. Which is exactly what has happened. Our BODY houses our brain .. but our brain is our MIND and "HEART". So if our BODY is unhealthy so is our brain. our brain is PHYSICAL but also our spirit. Our toxic "progress" has destroyed both our brain BODY but also our SOUL brain. Without a mind and "heart" we are "beings not HUMANS .. or at least the GOOD humans the cosmos developer designed.
from April 11?
So with no BRAIN, our body becomes zombie, like those focusing ONLY on the
"me/ my biz, $$$ ACCOUNTING Ledger". Yes our body is the cathedral of our SOUL because our brain can make sis THINK about things or just ACT ON THEM. USE THEM. Left brain zombies USE for their sole focus of profit or personal enjoyment. SOULESS enjoyment mind you. Probably the reason Sectre Millionaire and undercover boss were so short lived. The REALRuling families did not want us to SEE that RWAL JOY and happiness come from SHARING .. not greedily buying a bigger yacht. I guess that is proof a lot of people like Chartwell eco may be SAVEABLE. Like REA; saving from being EVIL. vs crap "saving" of a "religion" that thinks just saying "I am saved" gets you to heaven. OK so this is new and mind BOGGLING.
so .. Our BRAIN does 2 things. 1) it thinks about things (evaluates, connects! contemplates, for finding TRUTH or improving solutions) and 2) it USES the body to DO things like GO, or CALL, or network, while us Right brains sit home quietly and THINK. BOTH actions are necessary. But action without the THINKNG PART FIRST ARE ALMOST ALWAYS DESTRUCTIVE. Even a Fireman or 911 server must quickly THINK before acting on the emergency!
When the Right brain wiring is gone you just have a body brain USING available resources for one goal, see/ mine, here now.
Our health and safety consultancy services are designed to help businesses comply with relevant legislation and regulations. We can provide risk assessments, training, and ongoing support to ensure that your workplace is safe for all employees.
We offer stress management and counselling services to help employees cope with the demands of their job. Our team of trained professionals can provide one-on-one support, group sessions, and ongoing guidance as needed.
Our health and wellness programmes are designed to promote healthy habits and lifestyles among employees. We offer a range of services, from nutrition counselling to fitness classes, to help your workforce stay healthy and productive.
PPS Thurs. April 18, 2024, 7:30 pm
Apologies .. I always get confused at my "plan to take over the world" being arrogant, Is it just AMERICA that is collapsing, but then taking the world with it. I always thought China learned nothing from our mistakes with that terrible pollution they created in their cities. But now I guess Dubai and those copying it are same old STEAM ROLLING the environment just like America did. Sten King was so right in the end of the STAND we never learn .. I started yelling about that book 10 -15 years ago!! We are so STUPID. Why do we not LEARN from our mistakes?? Stupid tunnel vision I guess, minds closed to all but what gives profit or power. Left brains are destroying CIVILIZATION! (link)
PS! Wed. April 3, 2024, 9:30 am. (When I say the Bible is FAKE news, I suggest it is like todays media .. propaganda that in the end MAKES US BEHAVE. There are so very many more of us! keeping us BEHAVING, is always the AIM of those in control. Except that behaving is for their wealth and continued power .. NOT REALLY our well being. We should be GOOD, while THEY have evil goals, money and power. I mean who could afford to print things back in the day. Problem solved the bible printers were paid off! 🙈 The printers got KICK BACKS! Think about it! There was no bible oly?scrolls? til the printing press! Hah! I am so brilliant! 🥸 More research! Who else talks about this?)
Mon. April 1, 2024, 5:00 pm.
Do NOT despair! Just rememebr everything is BACKWARD, not meant for US, we the people. Together we are going to flip the script BACK to what the Founding Fathers were trying to do. We can't just do same old. We have to throw out everything focused on selfish shallow lack of THINKNG and start over USING OUR BRAIN AGAIN. With a plan (to take over the world) and our CONNECTED shared human INELLIGENCE we can again create quality of life fr ourselves. But we have to take responsibility and take away the power THEY, those in power have put on us. Sugar, screens stress and MARKETING were used to turn us ZOMBIE. Those of us who still HAVE our Thinkng Right hemisphere BRAIN together can make change. But we will ned a gated community where we start a new SYSTEM
Church and state were to be separate. But if "church" is simply a gathering place for those who feel the common and greater good come BEFORE the self .. why can it not ALSO be how we conduct COMMUNIT? In Pioneer times we never had schools, city hall, or police or even LAWS!! One law is all that is needed.. just be FAIR, a decent kind caring HUMAN being. A HUMAN has a soul, and cares about OTHERS, not just the self. In our selfish shallow society we have DEVOLVED into soulless beings. We are zombies because "sugar", screens stress destroyed our Right second level Thinking brain. our toxic "progress" also destroyed our will power, because we fell for every SALE marketed to
Sat. Mar 30, 2024, 8:30 am.
In case you do not want HUMANITY to end .. it would mean YOU, yourself .. have to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY NOW.
We are LAZY, impatient, and IRRESPONSIBLE, so I guess civilization will end soon. 🙈 A I is already making TRUTH hard to find .. plus our BRAINS are fried. Gone, our brains are truly gone. Your brain is where our MIND and "heart" reside, is that the human SOUL. The excess of toxins in our culture has especially destroyed the Right hemisphere wiring in our brain. The RIGHT Brains Hemisphere is where our curiosity to find truth and ANSWERS lives. Losing our Right Hemisphere wiring , (perhaps more sensitive to toxins?) leaves us selfish, shallow ZOMBIES devoid of a soul.
Wed. April 17, 2024, 9:30 am
good article .. BUT .. the first half does not account for OUR BRAIN DAMAGE. OUR BRAIN WIRING has been destroyed by the toxins of "progress". Screens, Stress and especially SUGAR (processed food's 56 names for SUGAR!) have obliterated our ability to THINK clearly. Why do you think we fight so much now? There is no civility or ABILITY to discuss opposing viewpoints. Life has always been "Black/ white" on first thought (yes/ no .. gun? abortion? etc etc).But NORMAL humans with a FUNCTIONING brain came together and discussed the OPPOSING VIEWPOINT TO LISTEN and LEARN! We can no longer do that because we are BRAIN DISABLED! Note author does say .. unless brain is damaged. The last half has fascinating intelligence re how we BEST solve problems. Let's do it!!
My HOPE is that us Right hemisphere and still normal BALANCED Humans are still the masses. IT just feels humans have gone to evil in the screaming and demonizing that seems everywhere. We must feel compassion for them. They have LOST THE Brain wiring that lets them try to UNDERSTAND. They merely USE what they see to survive. They have NO ABILITY to be curious and thoughtful, to be PATIENT ENOUGH TO FIND TRUTH! They actually BELIEVE their lies because right brain curiosity is very uncomfortable for them.
No willpower + no COMMON SENSE makes surviving as a GOOD thoughtful Human very hard. BAD humans are just fine (Those more Left Hemisphere ACTION types. They think only SELF 'Me/mine, here, now" First order thinkng. But ACTION with no THOUGHT to OTHERS and the future created is DOOMED to fail. Even the fish are dying from our stupid shallow behaviours.
Tues. April 2, 2024, 7:30 pm.
Our Bible is the "BIBLE of FAIR and DECENT HUMANS". Just think of others before yourself. We need that teaching much far more than this Ohio nonsense!. These people in OHIO are taking kids from the LIBRARY to read the bible saying it too has "books".. OMG! A Bible reading bus to a church! That is the book that says it is OK for Jews to kill Gazans because "jews are the chosen". That book should be OUTLAWED as ancient FAKE NEWS. No REAL god would be so CRUEL! So OHIO schools .. read our website INSTEAD. The war against Palestinian DESTRUCTION shows not to trust WHO wrote that bible. The REAL "god", the ONE CEO who "developed" the universe, is kind and caring and would never want what is happening in PALESTINE. Such pure destruction of whole cities, by a MINDLESS Narcissist who feels only HIS power matters. Others are not even human .. expendable to prove his point of REVENGE. That is the bible we were taught to revere.
We respect NOTHING. The only thing our modern society respects is more, faster and easier. Those in power respect NOTHING, but Productivity, Profit, and POWER. This has caused our society to decline decay and arrive at COLLAPSE stage.
Everything CONNECTS!!
We only decrease or DEPLETE our resources PLUS multiply their TOXIC duality. Most things are god and bad .. we go to excess and extreme which is almost always BAD. WE either SMARTEN UP.. or di ..too long THOUGHTLESS!
(what an awesome image .. CONNECTS in SO MANY WAYS!! speaking about the one below ..) does this one have a happy face?? Takes away from the SERIOUS cosmic circles.
WHAT IS TRUTH actually? see image .. omg see what I mean re Bandaids. NOTHING in our SOCIETY is TRUE! Not "education", not "health"CARE, nOTHING SERVES US. Everything serves ONLY THEM, we are merely sources of PROFIT! The "economy" and Stock Market is only for the already RICH. Banks purpose is to make money off us in high interest. "We t
WHAT IS TRUTH actually? see image .. omg see what I mean re Bandaids. NOTHING in our SOCIETY is TRUE! Not "education", not "health"CARE, nOTHING SERVES US. Everything serves ONLY THEM, we are merely sources of PROFIT! The "economy" and Stock Market is only for the already RICH. Banks purpose is to make money off us in high interest. "We the people" create their wealth for them! We have to STOP NOW .. or die.
TRUE wealth is TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH and it has been STOLEN from us.!
There are MORE of us QUIET GOOD HUMANS.. than SCREAMING, shallow, selfish zombies! Stay HOPEFUL!
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I am not tracking anything .. but I guess google does! Just want to see if anyone has any interest. Is this worth the work? Viewers come only from my OLD school sharing with ACTUAL HUMAN contacts .. NOT thru google